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  • #31
    Well It has happened to us all at one time or another and knowledge gleaned from is not soon forgotten .... No matter how hard we try sometimes... I was refreshing to watch the posts as they unfolded. Teetering on edge of the curb but not quite going in the gutter.... LOL But I will tip my hat to Ma'am going 10 hours to drive home an unknown coach with little or no mechanical backing--- some might say foolish and I would have to say "That shows a bit of dedication to a dream and took a fair sized set of balls.... You will succeed in your quest and applaud your efforts so far. I really thought this might all go down to The Tomb and pull out the stops... but oh well... But just a side note I do have a younger girlfriend and I was sexually active for 2 years before she was born.....LOL


    • #32

      That made me chuckle, and thanks for the admiration.

      But do I even want to know your ages?

      But either way, kudos, sir!


      • #33
        Road trip fun...

        Hey, I admire you for tryin' to bring it back. I've had great luck in flying in and driving'em back with 3 different vintage vehicles.
        The first was a 78 Caddy hearse from Vancouver to Edmonton with no worries.
        The second was my 64 Caddy Superior from Portland to Edmonton thru 2 blizzards. There are pics of that trip somewhere in these forums.
        My last odyssey was a 66 Chev Panel truck from San Jose to Edmonton. I've been lucky and had no major problems getting back with any of them. In fact, the 64 hearse went to HearseCon and then thru BC last year before going home. Lotsa gas, lotsa oil but nothing major.
        If you do decide to drive an old one a long distance make sure that you bring a good tool kit (you'd be surprised what you can fix yourself in a bind), belong to AAA (or CAA in Canada), keep checking those fluids, don't push the vehicle too hard (slow and easy!!) and have a plan if things go south.
        The only other advice I have is to ENJOY THE EXPERIENCE!! I worried all the way back with the first 2 and didn't have any fun; I made sure to enjoy the last voyage. Driving an old vehicle (especially a hearse) cross-country can and should be a joy...


        • #34
          My one and only experience with driving an unknown coach was from Belle Center Ohio to Dallas Texas in my 61 M+M. I found it on the net, bought plane tickets the next day, flew out, drove it for 10 minutes, handed over the money and headed home. It made it back here in 25 hours nonstop (yes, I stopped for gas and food) without any major issues and blew a tire the next day after getting home. Lost a fender skirt (CC only part) and hubcap over the edge of a bridge never to be found again. Overall, I felt stupid for doing it "without a net", but it is one of the most memorable experiences of my life.

          I hope your next trip to bring one home goes as well...

          As for the letcherous portions of this discussion, I'll refrain from chiming in. I have way too much going on to teach that class


          • #35
            It was fun while it lasted. ;D

            And damn, Boogeyman, I needed a substitute teacher for the class. Oh well, I'll have to find someone else to teach it now. xD


            • #36
              There is a hearse enthusiast presently residing near Eerie who can vouch for my skills I should get you two in touch...


              • #37
                Haha. I'm guessing it's a girl, and that just made me chuckle.

                Maybe she could be the class' subsitute. But that just might end up in some bad porn video..



                • #38
                  She might like that... I know I would


                  • #39
                    LOL. I'll keep that in mind!


                    • #40
                      God damn, all y'all need to get a room or sumtin...


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by STODD View Post
                        God damn, all y'all need to get a room or sumtin...
                        Can we borrow yours?


                        • #42
                          Lotsa Duct Tape......and beer.....and....Nope, I'm still goin home.....


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by STODD View Post
                            God damn, all y'all need to get a room or sumtin...

                            Thanks STODD!! I've got to clean Dr. Pepper of my monitor, but I needed that laugh this morning.


                            • #44
                              I'd like to chime in with my sympathies for your bad experience. Next time you decide to make a trip like that you should let some of us on this board know if you are going to be passing by. I'm not sure where in KY you were headed but I am in Charleston, WV. An alternator (if that was all it was) is a pretty quick and easy fix for someone who knows how. If I had known and could have made it in your time frame i would have gladly switch it out for you.

                              Just something to keep in mind when you find another. You might find some support along the way. And all that we might ask for in return is a copy of that video.


                              • #45
                                Hell, there are NHAA folks IN Kentucky (I was going to put 'in KY' but I realize how that would end) - maybe next time just holler and someone will come out to look the car over with you and offer wisdom.

