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Ready for new finds..?

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  • Ready for new finds..?

    Gawd damn I heart a good hunt.

    Guy I met several months ago extended an invitation to see his cache of cars which are kept at his 'country' house. Needless to say, it was quite a trek and he isn't there much. Numerous previous attempts ended in futility usually due to plans changing last minute. Hardly slept last night eagerly anticipating seeing some quality vintage iron. What can I say..? Leaving rot prone uh-hi-uh behind has perks!

    Location ended up being the epitome of private. Difficult to find; out of the way; this shot after driving a ways on a private 'street' for a total of 2 miles before reaching the driveway:

    My lowered turbo brick was not pleased. Did I mention also driving on a donut after a blow out last night? Staggered offset creeping along barely saved my undercarriage... Even had to glide through a signifcant mud puddle too. Ooph.

    First up? Amazingly rust-free Checker Aerobus! Can't even recall the last time I've seen one. We're off to a good start.

  • #2
    Spotted this next from 200 yards away through thick brush.

    It'd take a lot to resurrect this '53 S&S. Missing parts, broken back glass, etc. Still, not rotted and not dented. Pisser getting decent shots through so I'll just stand on the '58 that I originally went to look at:


    • #3

      Although a combination, there were no provisions for casket rollers on the floor. Strange? Not familiar enough with S&S offerings. Perhaps they had a removable rack.

      With a nearly rust free '53 4D sitting about 45 minutes apart to donate the front clip and a shortened roof swap...the thought of fabricating a Hot Wheels Custom '53 Cadillac and marketing it to them crossed my mind. Heh.

      Moving on.


      • #4
        Larry, this one is for you buddy! Tried calling when I was standing next to it. At like 1pm - which means it was "wakey wakey, hands off snakey" time.

        '61 taillight housings are growing on me. Drat your influence.

        Honestly other than some broken glass and missing air vents this wasn't in bad shape. Unfortunately for you it wasn't for sale though. I tried.


        • #5
          Found myself making a sign of the cross over this poor dead soldier. Look for another angle in the 'hearse-roof=?' thread.

          Safe to say this is no longer Superior!

          While there were plenty of regular cars up until '65 (mainly), this rare motorhome is worth showing:

          Nutty! Owner claims 4 remain of the 16 made. Seriously lavish inside - all teak and marble. His uncle won it in a poker hand in 1976, less than 2 years old. (Okay, his uncle won a plane actually, then drunken with another friend tried to FLY his new acquisition. Neither had any experience. They crashed it taxiing. Then he traded the plane for this Daystar all in the same night!) Unreal. Bet it's worth more than the plane would be 33 years later...

          Although I left empty handed, drudging through waist high grass, dodging wasps and avoiding rattlesnakes made for a fun day. Actually, I'm a slightly disappointed after receiving explicit rattlesnake instructions, being forced to carry a stick, make noise before opening any doors, carefully place each step over dozens of acres - that I didn't get to SEE one. Just heard those little critters.

          Which is 'prolly for the better. I would've crouched and tried taking some ridiculous pics for social networking sites and may have caught it mid lunge going for my throat.

          Made it about 3 miles away after leaving before blowing another tire - this time it was the spare. Ever notice that the jack won't fit under the car in such an instance?


          • #6
            Actually, I'm a slightly disappointed after receiving explicit rattlesnake instructions, being forced to carry a stick, make noise before opening any doors, carefully place each step over dozens of acres - that I didn't get to SEE one. Just heard those little critters
            If you heard them, you were plenty close enough, We have them along the Mississippi in the rock bluffs, Just be glad they want to get away from you just as much as you want to get away from them...


            • #7
              Well if you ever need an adventure partner, drop me a line!
              I guarantee my Jeep will get us anywhere you could possibly wanna go without a whimper and with the winch on the front, moving hulks is childs play!
              Oh yeah, and I'm a herpetologist thats been handling rattlesnakes professionally for 20 years.

              Nice finds!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Atti View Post
                Larry, this one is for you buddy! Tried calling when I was standing next to it. At like 1pm - which means it was "wakey wakey, hands off snakey" time.

                '61 taillight housings are growing on me. Drat your influence.

                Honestly other than some broken glass and missing air vents this wasn't in bad shape. Unfortunately for you it wasn't for sale though. I tried.
                Damn, that's nice! Too bad I can't afford to take on a free car at this point, much less one I would have to pay for


                • #9
                  Why the fuck do people do this?

                  Attention all you hoarding whores out there!!
                  If you are not going to rebuild or restore these cool old cars, SELL THEM !!!!!
                  Let other people have them who will actually do something with them.
                  You are an asshole for letting them sit there and rot.


                  • #10
                    Xs 2.


                    • #11
                      All too often your viewpoint is brought up. It has merit, assuredly, yet I don't subscribe to it. The basis revolves around some type of jealousy that I can't quite comprehend. It is narrow enough that other factors aren't accounted for, example: saving old cars from the crusher.

                      Hoarders are the very reason cache's like this exist. Without them, there would be fewer surviving examples; much less (ultimate) parts sources; and more history lost. I'm grateful for people like this. We have much to learn from them. Every object has a story and frequently those stories are quite rich. Keep in mind the hobby is equally about people.

                      Sure, some climates are more conducive than others. (Nothing is sitting, rotting in this TX heat unless it was doing so before acquired.) At the very least, hoarders procure for future generations to enjoy - allowing their obsessive compulsions to flourish.

                      While I've been fortunate enough to come across a number of true hoarders, this particular owner isn't even a blip. (Nor does he fit the criteria for reasons I won't get into.) It is more important to him to get parts/cars into other hands before more vandalizing/theft occurs. Owning a few businesses, spreading himself thin, short on time (and assistance) prevents that from happening.


                      • #12
                        Please explain the difference between a car rotting in a field that will never see the road again, and being sent to the crusher?

                        I don't take issue with a bone yard that dismantles these cars for parts sales as they keep a supply of parts to hobbiests.

                        Sharing info and stories does not need to equal doing NOTHING with these cars!

                        Me jealous? No. It would be those people that merely aquire restoreable vehicles simply for the sake of "Gee look, I got more junk cars in my yard than Billy-Bob".


                        • #13
                          As someone who is not computer savvy, Help me put up a poll.

                          "Is it ok for a person or company to hoard cars with the only intention of letting them sit and rot?"


                          • #14
                            I hoard as many old cars and coaches as I can find. I don't even have that many.....yet. I am at 14 and growing. I would rather see one in my yard knowing it will stay intact and have it for some parts than being dimantled and crushed, besides I tend to agree with Atti's line of reasoning. If people like myself don't save them for what ever reason I choose they tend to fall into the hands of novices who drive them at Halloween only and end up ruining them anyway or worse yet turn them into some kind of stupid hot rod that no longer is deserving of the term Funeral Coach. I save as many as I can which is more than a lot of people can say who only own one.....and I will tell you Bigevil you have way to much faith in humanity to assume others will actually buy and restore these cars properly......most folks around where I live won't even touch one much less buy one.


                            • #15
                              and I will tell you Bigevil you have way to much faith in humanity to assume others will actually buy and restore these cars properly......
                              Obviously you haven't seen my old car.

                              Post the poll.

