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New here with 2 1959 caddies!

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  • New here with 2 1959 caddies!

    Hi everyone.
    Just introducing myself to this hearse community.
    I just acquired 2 1959 cadillac Ambulance/Hearses.

    I hope to make good friends and contacts!

    Thanks for having me

  • #2
    Congrats on your finds & I wish you luck with reviving them! Do you have the transport all worked out on getting them from New Jersey to Florida? Welcome to the NHAA... you'll have no problem making friends & contacts here. We were watching that particular auction & of course we always wonder when ebay coaches sell if the new owner will land here... So again welcome to our twisted community!


    • #3
      Thanks for the kind reply.
      Im still trying to find a reliable transport.Ive been making calls for the last 3 days. Im just hoping I dont end up with one that is a scam.

      Do you know of any good ones?


      • #4
        Try this site: http: people on NHAA have had good luck with this site. You advertise on there & let the shipping people compete for your business... they bid on transporting the coaches so you can get the best price & check out their reputation as well...


        • #5
          Good work finagling the auction to end early. Isn't easy to do. Several of us were watching~

          I used this past Fall for a 960 mile '58 Superior transport. Cost a whopping $525. Highly recommended.

          Thought you'd also like to know that I purchased 2 '59 Superior Crown Royale combinations last year in similar condition. Congrats on your acquisitions. Part/move along that MM and get to work!


          • #6
            Thanks for the heads up on the Uship site.
            I posted both the caddies togeather in the same lising. Hopfully I get some bid's.

            In regards to getting him to end the listing early...It was a major pain in the ass lol.
            But I knew some big hit bidders were down the road.


            • #7
              Welcome Doug! You've got the "Holy Grail" of the hearse world!! Good luck on the transport, and post lots of photos on any progress!!


              • #8
                So im starting to get a little nervous.
                Friday I sent him the money through Paypal.After he got it I told him to mail me the title and call/email me when it was sent.
                Friday goes by and nothing.

                Saturday I call and it goes straight to voice mail & the mail box is full.
                I send him an email and get no responce.
                After a fue calls he finally answers and seys hell send it before the day is up.
                I ask him to call or email me to let me know he sent it.

                Saturday goes by and nothing. -_-

                So this morning I try to call agen and he wont answer. After the second call I call him with my skype account that dosen't show whos calling & sure enuf he answers.
                So I say " John this is doug" then he hangs up on me and now he wont answer my skype account number. SHIT!

                Now this guy wont take any call.

                Am i just being a pest? Am I just anxious about getting the caddies.

                Im not worried about getting my money back as ill just file a claim as it taked 3-4 business days for the money to transfer to his account.

                But I don't want to hire a shipping company and this guy pulls some shit.
                beCaus I wont be able to get my money back from the shipping.

                Any advice? Do I just need to chill? Do I need to just wate? Or should I start filing a claim?


                • #9
                  Immediately file a claim with PayPal, locking the funds until the seller behaves. You can escalate the claim to a dispute any time. Schedule the pick up with shipping companies as planned. Agree to release the funds only after paperwork arrives and the cars have been picked up.

                  Give uship 3-4 days for the best offers. Only money you pay out of pocket is to the website after you accept a bid. Shipping company is payed on delivery.

                  And yes, you should take a deep breath and relax. If the seller was already borderline about ending the auction early, no need to push buttons further.


                  • #10
                    Congrats and Welcome!


                    • #11
                      Immediately file a claim with PayPal, locking the funds until the seller behaves
                      Great advice.

                      Its real easy to prove you didn't get the coaches if this guy flakes. Paypal is usually good about this stuff.


                      • #12
                        PayPal also benefits the buyer if that person flakes for whatever reason.


                        Auction ends late Monday evening. Seller sends buyer invoice. Check Tuesday afternoon, no response/payment yet. Log in Wednesday to find out buyer has both paid and reversed funds within a few hours of each other, pissed that there was not an immediate response. Item was boxed and shipped out FedEx Ground with tracking information Thursday morning, within the 3 days allotted time to ship stated in auction.

                        Via tracking info, item arrives and is signed for the following Tuesday morning. Seller does not lift claim freeing payment until Thursday evening. After completely unwarranted behavior, unsurprising that there is no apology - nor even positive feedback given. Just never know with some people~

                        PayPal has numerous flaws for the consumer, all of which benefit themselves as a company. Now use them to your advantage.


                        • #13
                          i hope he aint jerkin you around those can really shine up and welcome ps i also went thru what u did i did a down payment on a 54 caddie hearse and the guy scraped it the day i went to get it


                          • #14
                            Well I Filed a claim with paypal and what do ya know. All of a sudden he emails me to let me know that the title was shipped and he's ready to have them picked up. lol

                            He sed he left his phone at his friends house all day and it was his "Friend" that answerd then hung up >.>
                            Im not gonna release the funds till I get a call from the transport saying the Caddies are on the truck.
                            Ill keep everyone posted.
                            Sheesh-_- Anyone else ever go through this kind of Bullshit when getting or selling your Hearse.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Hearse_Guy View Post
                              i hope he aint jerkin you around those can really shine up and welcome ps i also went thru what u did i did a down payment on a 54 caddie hearse and the guy scraped it the day i went to get it
                              Sorry to hear that. Did you get your Down Payment back?

