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Old people seem to hate hearses

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  • #16
    i get the is there soeone in the back all the time.


    • #17
      Scary guy knows me I will fuck someone up on site if they go over the line. Im in a motorcycle club in to start with and I dont take any shit. One time I had a guy throw a beer can at my hearse at a car show years ago. I grabbed it and shoved it in his mouth. It cost me some $ going through the court system lol. I dont care about stupid little comments people make but its the ones that cross the line that I cant stand. leave me alone and I will leave you alone.


      • #18
        So how can there be really a "fake" hearse? Had some ass clown ask me twice is that a real hearse..... Ive read so many of your guys stories on here and all the typical comments keep comin.. and Im just startin the season.


        • #19
          Here is a picture of my grandma in my hearse.
          Attached Files


          • #20
            Originally posted by Dropped84 View Post
            So how can there be really a "fake" hearse? Had some ass clown ask me twice is that a real hearse..... Ive read so many of your guys stories on here and all the typical comments keep comin.. and Im just startin the season.
            Here you go,


            • #21
              Workin on it but still need a door

              I'm just hoping to have my rear door fixed and glass in then give it a tune up to drive it before Halloween. And maybe the old folks don't like it cause they know they'll be in very soon! lol

              Originally posted by Dropped84 View Post
              Im still new to cruisin the hearse and Ive already had some nice and odd comments. alotta people like it, but seems like the older 70+ crowd really dislikes it, lots of mean looks and this one old man the other day kept yelling at me at every red light we were next to each other, said somthing along the lines of " what the fuck are you driving" bunch of other shit too, then at another light says " what are you a fucking grave robber" then through a fast food drive through the typical from what Ive heard on here the girl at the 1st window asks if its a real casket and then if theres anyone in it... then pull up to the second window to get food and the girl got all flustered gave our drinks and walked away without giving our food.. and came back lookin like what were we still sitting there for, I said you forgot our food.... she got all red. This is gonna be a great summer I can tell. Ive only got to cruise afew times so far but Im lovin it, Sorry if this post was pointless. just thought Id share.


              • #22
                So how can there be really a "fake" hearse? Had some ass clown ask me twice is that a real hearse.....
                It happens. When I took mine in for emissions testing last year, the kid asked me if the hearse was real. I said, no, it's not really here. You're just imagining it. WTF do you do but answer a stupid question in kind?

                Most people will either love your hearse or hate it. I have learned, from driving both a hearse and a semi, that people who are pissed off, and feel a need to express their anger in a dramatic way, are entertaining! A middle finger is the ultimate compliment to me. If I am driving the hearse, it means "You have succeeded in pissing me off". If I am driving a semi, it means, "Thanks for driving safely. You're number one!".

                I don't particularly appreciate people scratching my hearse with keys, or shooting the windows out with pellet guns, but I take some satisfaction in knowing that I've succeeded in rocking their little worlds apart, with nothing more than a car. It's amazing, how fragile they are.



                • #23
                  Originally posted by v8nightmare View Post
                  its cause they feel the cold hand of death on their shoulder already and they can do without the reminders.... maybe... idk
                  HAHAHA thats the reason


                  • #24
                    I like the way you think !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    I think we all have had our share of negative feedback about our cars.
                    Learn to love it guys .
                    Hell i have had my windows busted on my hearse right at work.
                    I'll take the middle fingers any day!!!!!!!!!


                    • #25
                      My favorite response to most dumb questions...

                      Ya wanna know why? I'll tell ya why.....Because I CAN mother fxxxer


                      • #26
                        Thats weird... with my 55 caddy, I always get the thumbs up or "Nice car" from the old men. Although the little old ladies give me the frown.


                        • #27
                          thats because of the age of your coach msconduct
                          it seems that once the cars get older then like 62ish people seem more excepting. Plus the 55 is one of the more popular cadillacs
                          hell my 55 62series is a HEEEP OF JUNK and everybody loves it


                          • #28
                            Thats kinda what I was thinkin too. They seem to respect the older cars/style, not much love for the 80's styles yet. Lol.


                            • #29
                              Most classic car shows are pre 72, so most see the newer Hearse as a morbid facination.


                              • #30
                                You guys are right. But why do all the little old ladies still give me the stink eye?

