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Guinness World Record Attempt - Largest Parade of Hearses, Sept. 18, 2010

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  • Guinness World Record Attempt - Largest Parade of Hearses, Sept. 18, 2010

    I know this is last minute, but I just wanted to invite everyone to participate in our attempt to set a new Guinness World Record for the Largest Parade of Hearses.

    The event is this Saturday, and will take place in Hell, Michigan.

    All of the details can be found at

    See you in Hell

  • #2
    Wasn't the old record 70?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
      Wasn't the old record 70?
      Nope. According to the Guinness World Record folks, we will be establishing the record for the first time.

      In order to qualify, Guinness must pre-approve the event and issue an official claim number (which they have in this case). After the event, we will be submitting an extensive amount of documentation (logs, photos, video, press clippings) to verify our success.


      • #4
        That rocks! Well hopefully you guys will get it.

        Take tons of pics and feel free to come and join our little community here.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
          Take tons of pics
          Yeah, that's the easy part. We have to do that as part of our submission process. The harder part is getting the media confirmation. The Guinness rules state that we need to submit a newspaper clipping, or TV/Radio clip of a news story that runs AFTER the event, stating the actual number of hearses that participated. So if no media shows up or runs a story, we are S.O.L.

          I did talk to a local newspaper yesterday, and they are planning on coming to the event, but if a plane crashes, or we have another OJ freeway chase, or someother BS, again, we will be S.O.L.


          • #6
            I heard Michigan was bad, but I had no idea that was where "Hell" was located.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Otto Baron View Post
              I had no idea that was where "Hell" was located.
              Map to Hell:


              • #8
                Wish I was there... now... instead of stuck in this hospital.

                Hope you guys are having fun and I'm sorry my coach isn't there. I couldn't find anyone that wanted to drive it out there.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
                  Wish I was there... now... instead of stuck in this hospital.

                  Hope you guys are having fun and I'm sorry my coach isn't there. I couldn't find anyone that wanted to drive it out there.

                  Why are you in the hospital? Are you ok? Believe it or not, I care about everyone here, even those that don't like me.


                  • #10
                    Why would you think I don't like you? lol you're one of my favorites and I added you as a friend on here as well. Maybe you just don't like me and your projecting mutual feelings from me toward you.

                    Anyway as a rundown for everyone my nose got infected and the general practicioner told me to go to the E.R. because it was the worst he'd ever seen and while I was there the head ear nose and throat guy said I needed to be admitted urgently because it could move into my brain.

                    Hell was short two hearses, so I don't feel as horrible as if it was just short one. Next year hopefully!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
                      Why would you think I don't like you? lol you're one of my favorites and I added you as a friend on here as well. Maybe you just don't like me and your projecting mutual feelings from me toward you.

                      Anyway as a rundown for everyone my nose got infected and the general practicioner told me to go to the E.R. because it was the worst he'd ever seen and while I was there the head ear nose and throat guy said I needed to be admitted urgently because it could move into my brain.

                      Hell was short two hearses, so I don't feel as horrible as if it was just short one. Next year hopefully!
                      No no no I do like you as a matter of fact your one of my favorites as well. Wanna get married? Anyway, I wish I was in Hell for this event, that would be so cool to be part of such an awesome thing.


                      • #12
                        They were 7 hearses away from setting the record. Next year hopefully.


                        • #13
                          Oh no, that sucks.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dr. Frybrain View Post
                            Nope. According to the Guinness World Record folks, we will be establishing the record for the first time.

                            In order to qualify, Guinness must pre-approve the event and issue an official claim number (which they have in this case). After the event, we will be submitting an extensive amount of documentation (logs, photos, video, press clippings) to verify our success.
                            That rocks! Well hopefully you guys will get it.

                            Take tons of pics and feel free to come and join our little community here.
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                            • #15
                              HELL, Mich., USA--The annual Just Hearse'N Around international hearse enthusiasts club lined 43 hearses in procession from Hell, Mich. to the Terrorfied Forest north of Pinkney, Mich. - setting the new world record for the Largest Parade of Hearses.

