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My new ride!!

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  • #16
    Cardboard, a poor man's winter-front!!

    I totally concur on the cardboard idea Zach, there are many vehicles here that sport the cardboard block heater! I thought about stopping and trying to fashion one out of a box from the back of the hearse when I stopped in Hinton but the tough guy in me figured that I could weather the cold...Part of me wanted to go into the Wal-mart there and ask if they had a winter-front (usually a quilted fabric version of what you described) for a 64 Caddy but I knew that only I would find the humor in the situation.

    My new baby is just waiting for front ends parts and then it will pass Alberta inspection. Much work to be done on the front interior before Hearse Con. Planning on leaving the back as is, kinda old, weathered and creepy!!!

    ...oh yeah, and a stereo, can't be driving 2500 miles without loud tunes...


    • #17
      Very nice indeed, would look good parked next to Elvira in my


      • #18
        That looked like quit a road trip


        • #19

          Sorry had to be done.


          • #20
            That is one wicked ride!


            • #21
              Indeed, I would trade the reliability of my 1990 for the badassness of that one anyday!


              • #22

                Thank you for the nice comments, that was quite a trip last January. Since then we've gone all the way to HearseCon in Denver and back; I put around 6000 miles on 'er this year.
                I'll be going back to HearseCon '09, and will be traveling with my wingman Luke again. Check out his wicked ride in the HearseCon pics on Zach's website.
                Sometimes I miss the luxuries of a modern hearse (Like a working gas gauge and heat!!) but this coach is a blast and turns heads everywhere. We even got to be in the local Christmas parade, and they asked us!!!


                • #23
                  I'm definetely looking for an older one as a toy, but I'm all about the gas mileage since mine takes me all over the country for my job. And thanks to the low gas prices this last roadtrip from pennsylvania to oklahoma city was extremely nice at a whole whopping $130 bucks!

