Carl doesn't advertise having huge amounts of vintage hearse parts for a few reasons. (Make no doubt about it - they're there!) He simply doesn't have time, manpower, nor desire to systematically label and categorize everything. I was fortunate enough to have free reign and took hundreds of pics for future reference. Plus I managed to get parts for friends in need...
A few dozen will post in this thread to help others out. Keep these guidelines in mind:
1. Carl's prices are reasonable in most instances. He knows market values like the back of his hand. Don't expect to 'steal' anything.
2. Best to drop an email off CW Coach's site and exercise patience. Be prepared to wait for inquiries. Office Manager Chris will do his best to track parts down, then get a price from Carl. Carl himself rarely returns email and his phone is consistently hammered.
3. Carl doesn't know exactly what he has (mostly) given vast piles. He likes to assess probable percentages based off coaches remembered parted and such.
I may be able to get prices faster/cheaper because I've known Carl a long time and have a pretty good idea what portion of his indoor complex I saw something. Something to keep in mind. Prices mentioned in person will be relayed here.
Right click/view image to enlarge.
'78-'92 Superior rear quarters NOS ($175/ea - $350/pr):

Behind this pile stacked up buried were NOS hearse outer door skins from the '70s.
Cot bars swinging from rafters:

Landaus, landaus, and more landaus. As an example, I found one '59-'60 Superior non-Crown bar in here that was cool $75:
A few dozen will post in this thread to help others out. Keep these guidelines in mind:
1. Carl's prices are reasonable in most instances. He knows market values like the back of his hand. Don't expect to 'steal' anything.
2. Best to drop an email off CW Coach's site and exercise patience. Be prepared to wait for inquiries. Office Manager Chris will do his best to track parts down, then get a price from Carl. Carl himself rarely returns email and his phone is consistently hammered.
3. Carl doesn't know exactly what he has (mostly) given vast piles. He likes to assess probable percentages based off coaches remembered parted and such.
I may be able to get prices faster/cheaper because I've known Carl a long time and have a pretty good idea what portion of his indoor complex I saw something. Something to keep in mind. Prices mentioned in person will be relayed here.
Right click/view image to enlarge.
'78-'92 Superior rear quarters NOS ($175/ea - $350/pr):

Behind this pile stacked up buried were NOS hearse outer door skins from the '70s.
Cot bars swinging from rafters:

Landaus, landaus, and more landaus. As an example, I found one '59-'60 Superior non-Crown bar in here that was cool $75:
