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  • #16
    Originally posted by candymancaddy View Post
    if i knew where it was id go burn the fucking thing, im sick of being played.....
    I hate to tell you this but Amber isn't registered on this board anymore. She has dial-up and lives in the middle of nowhere so she just never bothered registering. We've all mentioned to her that she needs to get this settled but that's all we can do. I'm not saying give up, and I understand why you're pissed, it just isn't going to do any good to yell at her on here when she doesn't even come here anymore. Try her on myspace, you'd have better luck.


    • #17


      • #18
        Originally posted by housefull View Post
        I hate to tell you this but Amber isn't registered on this board anymore. She has dial-up and lives in the middle of nowhere so she just never bothered registering. We've all mentioned to her that she needs to get this settled but that's all we can do. I'm not saying give up, and I understand why you're pissed, it just isn't going to do any good to yell at her on here when she doesn't even come here anymore. Try her on myspace, you'd have better luck.
        Copy + paste = Déjà vu!!!!

        Originally posted by Wife_of_Chaser View Post
        I hate to tell you this but Amber isn't registered on this board anymore. She has dial-up and lives in the middle of nowhere so she just never bothered registering. We've all mentioned to her that she needs to get this settled but that's all we can do. I'm not saying give up, and I understand why you're pissed, it just isn't going to do any good to yell at her on here when she doesn't even come here anymore. Try her on myspace, you'd have better luck.


        • #19
          I know how you feel. When I lived in Atlanta I was forced to get rid of a 68 M&M combo by the city who was pissed that it was in my BACK YARD and didnt run. I found a local guy who was in the same car club who took the car and in the end I got nothing. Not one single dollar. I just ask that when I get fucked in the future please offer me a kiss or something. I would love to have that car now. All it needed was an new ignition switch and a carb. It sucks when it is someone you know who screws you.


          • #20
            What a flake....


            • #21
              Long dead thread........however......

              I've still not been paid nor contacted......not that I expect it 6 years later.......all I can hope for is a good karma train to hit her hard...


              • #22
                That's terrible. Could you try a small claims court or has it been too long?


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
                  That's terrible. Could you try a small claims court or has it been too long?
                  Its been too long........ All I can hope is that my car got a good home or at least put to good use and not scrapped...... And that amber gets hit with a great streak of terrible happenings......


                  • #24
                    I wonder if she's related to Atti...

                    (Okay now I'm done, this one was just too easy to pass up!)

