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Monster Bash!

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  • Originally posted by LMS View Post
    We will have a few out of town guests staying at a hotel in Loganville. I was thinking we could meet up close to thier hotel and rally there then head to the bash in the traditional convoy.
    I think we usually start gathering around 10 am.
    The hotel is across from the Home Depot and Wal-mart so maybe we could meet in the Wal-mart parking lot.

    We will not be staying for the movies because I have to work the next day and 5 am comes quick.

    that sounds like a plan to me


    • forget it i have nothing to say


      • lol Dave


        • I was planning on leaving arounda 8 am anyway, which would put me getting there around 10 so if we're doing a meet at the Loganville Wally world, that works...

          Also for those who remember my boy Mitchell, he's coming with.


          • That sounds like a great plan. 10 am at the Walmart in Loganville.

            Hell yeah I remember Mitchell.


            • Mitchells so white he makes Colin Powell look like Dolemite.


              • lol are you comming this year Tim?

                i'm gonna try mac. denise has had me working on her house's so much and last weekend was my birthday, so i got kinda trashed and wasted a day. she did all the painting on my new addition when i was out w/hernia operation when you and your dad came up i kinda owe her if ya know what i mean.


                • [QUOTE\ my birthday, [/QUOTE]

                  well happy bday late tim


                  • yeah we had a half gallon of malibu rum, beer. crown, and sky vodka not to mention the col' bare'
                    i got goobered'


                    • i told a new guy that works here his name is matt. he and his girl are gonna try to make it. i drove ellie mae last week to work, and turned him on to the bash. they are gonna try to make it.


                      • cool


                        • Starlight website says the gates open at one -
                          do we have clearence to get there early?


                          • Guess What??? We're coming!!! We're Coming!!! Ooo that doesn't sound right....We'll be at Monster Bash! That sounds better! My hubby says come hell or high water he's bringing me! We have reservations for Sunday night at that hotel in Loganville, we don't want to drive all the way back to Augusta that night. So we'll drive back Monday morning. Of course the hearse isn't fixed but I knew it wouldn't be, so we'll be bringing the van. I was going to surprise everyone, but I figured maybe I better tell everyone I was coming. What time should we be at the gate or should we meet up with everyone somewhere? I can't wait! Let me know guys!


                            • if you are waiting til sunday to head this way be at the wal-mart accross from the hotel at or before 10am. i'm meeting up with the ones comming in tomarrow afternoon.


                              • What route is everyone taking? I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this, a freeze plug between the tranny and the block started leaking on the 59, so I poured every block sealer chemical known to man in it and slowed it down, but I am fuckin determined to get that car there, it's not overheating, runs nice, just trying to figure out some sort of organization, like, if i get there at 10-1030, where do i meet upwith everyone/ and is there some designated spot for all the club cars in there?

