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Monster Bash!

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  • #91
    Ryan a bunch of us are going out for my roomate birthday on saturday night . I think Kevin ( Hearse Haunter ) is comeing with us .. I asked him you are more than welcome to come too . Also i live Really close to the drive in so if you wanna crash you can do that too


    • #92
      Chace: Zach and I were discussing this the other day, and well laid out plans usually go like shit - kinda winging it at the last minute usually turns into a blast. So just check out posts before you leave the house Sunday morning and I'm sure we'll have hashed out a plan by then (I know that planning in advance is easier, but it won't be some absurd plan that inconveniences anybody).


      • #93
        That makes sense, and I do agree the last minute is usually best. The main reason I was wanting a rough time estimate is because of my distance or whatever, but yeah we'll wing it.

        Also hopefully I'll have my lightbar installed by then
        Last edited by Chace; 05-29-2007, 01:23 AM.


        • #94
          you can stop by my house on your way up if you want to chace......just call me first.


          • #95
            The wife and I will be there with the 59 caddy and the hearse, but I gots a question. Is there a non-freeway route to get there? I am still kind of weary on driving the 59 on the freeway untill I put some more milliage on her, she's not happy about being pulled out of hibernation.......


            • #96
              Kevin Did you find out if Kris was coming ? I called her but I don`t have her new number if you have it let me know I want to see if she wants to ride with me and danny


              • #97
                Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
                The wife and I will be there with the 59 caddy and the hearse, but I gots a question. Is there a non-freeway route to get there? I am still kind of weary on driving the 59 on the freeway untill I put some more milliage on her, she's not happy about being pulled out of hibernation.......
                you can go there and get the address. i believe mapquest has an option for avoiding freeways


                • #98
                  Ryan . R did you get my message on myspace ?


                  • #99

                    There will be NO drama allowed between parties at this event. If you have a problem with someone over some shit that went on the past - then let it either be in the past or deal with it another time, we are going to be here to have a good time, get a little loose and just hang out. If you cannot seem to find the inner strength to not adhere to this one very simple rule (remember the old single rule that we had "don't be an idiot"), then don't come - or just avoid the person you have conflict with.

                    This includes but is not limited to ex-boyfriends or girlfriends, ex-boyfriends of ex-girlfriends, ex-girlfriends of current boyfriends and always the crowd favorite ex-boyfriend of current boyfriend and his girlfriends girlfriend. This is not necessarily targeted at anybody in particular, I just know that things can get pretty unnecessarily dramatic pretty quick for no f'n reason.

                    We return you to your regularly scheduled programming.



                    • Very nicely said !!! I give it a thumbs up .


                      • Oh chris I was told to tell you hey by an old friend of mine . I am not sure you remember him he used to go by Taz his real name is Jacob . Really tall guy who lives in lilburn . He should be at monsterbash ,but he had told me to say hello for him


                        • Jumpin-jesus on a pogo stick!

                          Yeah, I remember Jacob. We go waaaaaaaaaay back. It'll be good to see him, it's been probably 5 or 6 years.


                          • Yeah If he isnt there I was told to give ya his number . I have known him maybe 10 years now he is actually looking for a black M&M . Kinda funny how small the world is .


                            • Needles is still selling his for a very reasonable price. A quick paintjob and it'd be a black M&M in no time.


                              • I sent you jacobs Myspace page so if you dont mind telling him that it would be great

