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Georgia Advice

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  • Georgia Advice

    Hey guys! I'm planning on moving up to Georgia soon, near the Atlanta area, and I'd love to hear what kind of advice about Georgia you guys would have for me. I think I got most of my plans figured out for what I'm going to do when I get there, and I have an idea of what to expect, but I'm still curious to hear what kind of suggestions I could get from you guys since I know quite a few of you here live near where I plan to go. Thanks!

  • #2
    well just make sure you have a job before you move, is all i could say.


    • #3
      I'm definately trying to get one before I move. Also, there is a fairly good chance I could get a transfer to a job up there. Unfortunatly I know getting a job now isn't the easiest, but can be pretty determinded when I want something. Any other advice about Georgia you can think of?


      • #4
        Turn left on Peachtree


        • #5
          Originally posted by Vampirate_Maiden View Post
          Any other advice about Georgia you can think of?
          Bring guns and ammo for the drive through the ATL.


          • #6
            Originally posted by STODD View Post
            Bring guns and ammo for the drive through the ATL.

            Or just call LMS and myself for a proffessional transport...............

            But seriously, just get up with the right people and we'll make sure you get adjusted right, know where everything is, know where is cool to go, and most importantly, where to stay the fuck away from.

            For starters, dont ever, EVER for any reason or circumstance drive down a road named after a famous " black civil rights" person. Unless you like patching bullet holes in your coach.........


            • #7
              I drove down MLK through West End but there were 8 or so hearses sirens blaring and a police escort........still got funny looks.


              • #8
                Yeah Tony but that was because of the white fabric you were using as curtains in the window of your hearse!!


                • #9
                  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.................. .you might be right.


                  • #10
                    Wow! Atlanta sounds like so much fun!
                    But seriously, it coudn't be worse than South Florida, especially Miami. I'm sure there's more to do up there than there is here. I should already be up there by the time Monster Bash comes (any news of it btw?) I'm very curious about how different the laws are there than they are from here.

                    ...So, what happens when I turn left on Peachtree? It wouldn't end up taking me to MLK, would it?


                    • #11
                      Moving away from the cubans to live amongst mexicans.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 60Buick View Post
                        Moving away from the cubans to live amongst mexicans.
                        Oh trust me, its not just Cubans anymore. Its P.R.s, Haitians, Jamaicans, South Americans, and more! Also, Miami is much worse now than when you lived there, I'm sure of it. Whenever I have to go there, I feel like I'm going to a third world country. Its horible! Besides, I'm sure you guys will keep me safe from all the Mexicans, right?

                        Oh yeah, in order to become a Georgian, do I have to learn to like sweet tea?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Vampirate_Maiden View Post
                          Oh yeah, in order to become a Georgian, do I have to learn to like sweet tea?

                          Yes. You also have to like, (and I dont mean pretend tolike i mean actually like) PBR, guns of all kinds ect. I WAS going to add "and forget how to drive" but being since you are comming from florida you already have us native georgians beat on that anyways. People from fla cause more wrecks on ga roads than ladders and appliences do on i-285 alone.............


                          • #14
                            The stories I can tell you about the drivers here! I swear, I think some people in this state get their drivers license out of a cereal box or something. Just remember, if you ever see a chick driving a gray "80's shit box" hearse, watch out! Because thats me, and I learned how to drive in Florida!

                            Oh, and why do I have to learn to like guns?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Vampirate_Maiden View Post
                              The stories I can tell you about the drivers here! I swear, I think some people in this state get their drivers license out of a cereal box or something. Just remember, if you ever see a chick driving a gray "80's shit box" hearse, watch out! Because thats me, and I learned how to drive in Florida!

                              Oh, and why do I have to learn to like guns?

                              Just wait till you get here and find out. ';///

