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Georgia Advice

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  • #31
    If things work out for me up there where I'd feel comfortable living completely on my own, I'd definately consider Loganville. But for now I guess I'm going to see how it works out living with the roommie for a few months in Conyers. Trust me, I don't plan on staying in that city permanently, its just until I can get on my feet. I've been to Conyers a few times, and it didn't seem THAT bad to me, but I still wouldn't know if it would be an OK place to live in.

    I have less then a month to go before my move. I'm so excited (and also nervous) about it all. Wish me luck.


    • #32
      Well, I finally did it. I have finally moved to Georgia!


      • #33
        Woo Hoo. After Monsterbash party at your place.


        • #34
          Originally posted by dead ed View Post
          Woo Hoo. After Monsterbash party at your place.
          Maybe if it wasn't so small and messy right now.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Vampirate_Maiden View Post
            Well, I finally did it. I have finally moved to Georgia!


            You now belong to US!


            • #36
              Originally posted by StrayCat View Post

              You now belong to US!
              Break out the banjos...


              • #37
                Originally posted by STODD View Post
                Break out the banjos...



                • #38
                  Originally posted by StrayCat View Post
                  Don't worry, I live in South Floriduh. I swear if my nose were smaller, I might have been thrown in jail already.


                  • #39
                    Conyers ain't that far from Loganville, which is apparently the epicenter of hearse awesomeness in the south - so no biggie (we pretty much consider the 4 counties surrounding Loganville to be part of the same area - so Social Circle, Winder/Barrow, Windsor, Monroe, Conyers are all generally 20 minutes from one another.

                    You going to make it to Monster Bash?


                    • #40
                      Of course I'm going to Monster Bash! Hopefully Lily won't break down before I can bring her to it. But even if she does, I'll just end up going with Kevin in Ethyl.

                      Its so strange living in Conyers. I feel so...out of place to put it nicely. But at least the people in my neighborhood seem like the type that just keep to themselves. But still, its better then my situation before. Once I've been here for a little bit, I'm sure I'll eventually end up in Loganville.

                      So you guys own me now...Should I be worried?


                      • #41
                        Ok.... I just logged in, and replyed to you guys, yet its saying I'm "HearseHaunter" instead of "Vampirate_Maiden". Why?


                        • #42
                          Try logging out, closing your browser, reopen your browser and log in as you.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by HearseHaunter View Post
                            Ok.... I just logged in, and replyed to you guys, yet its saying I'm "HearseHaunter" instead of "Vampirate_Maiden". Why?
                            Because HearseHaunter is cooler


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by HearseHaunter View Post
                              Because HearseHaunter is cooler

                              No, I'm cooler because I have big boobs AND I like bacon. So HA!

