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Grill badges??

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  • Grill badges??

    Has anyone ever thought of doing grill badges?

    I know when I did some for another car club they turned out quite nice.

    That is the company both I used, and was used by another club I was a member of.

    These look really nice and I have one stuck to the back of my coach from another club right now.

  • #2
    That company does some nice work. I contemplated getting some stuff from them a while back. Never got around to it though unfortunately, but they were nice to talk to.


    • #3
      Those look pretty slick
      what was does something like that cost to get made?


      • #4
        I did a batch of 30 units. When shipping the lot to me and shipping out each to the people that ordered them they each cost me $35ish if memory serves. Being as this was the first batch with a tight club I was sent my shipping cost to each person back by that person after. It's all in the number we do. Got 1 people interested will be more expensive than having 30.

        Here is the link to my selling the arrow one there to that club.

        I did delete the old photos so that part is missing, but most of the info is there.

        There is more here in batch 2 that someone in more a rush tham me wanted to take over the final deal.

        They are really nice to deal with.

