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adding a club?

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  • adding a club?

    Is it possible to add a club to the "NHAA MEMBER CLUB" list? If so what does that entail, and how would I go about doing so?

  • #2
    Oh it's possible, I did it twice technically, once while I was in The Dead Society and once for my current club Mortis City.

    Basically you just have to have a club, with some members in it, and ask about 5 times until they get sick of hearing it. Having an actual website helps too.

    Only add it though if you're actually going to use it. I've been trying to get my members to use the forum/e-mail list, but unfortunately they have Mark Zuckerberg's dick in their mouths and are stuck on Facebook.


    • #3
      So you like facebook? LOL


      • #4
        HAHAHAHAHA!!! well shit,I guess my club has Mark Zuckerbergs dick in its mouth too! We have our main page as a facebook group. But some members refuse to use facebook so I want to set up a thread here to relay info to those who use NHAA. So who do I ask then? and can I send 5 messages at once or should I spread them out a bit?


        • #5
          I'd spread them out. I think I got to where I was asking once a week, but piss him off too much and he'll just outright ban you.

          Seriously, just send a message to Chris/Psychoholic as he's really easy to deal with.


          • #6
            I tend to do changes in batches - so I'll get 3 or 4 requests together and blast them out at the same time.

            I was going to do a system upgrade in the next few days, so send me the info you want and I'll add it then.


            • #7
              Oh sweet, will this upgrade bring back the games?



              • #8
                Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post

                Only add it though if you're actually going to use it. I've been trying to get my members to use the forum/e-mail list, but unfortunately they have Mark Zuckerberg's dick in their mouths and are stuck on Facebook.
                Ha Ha, same with our group (though I don't know who Mark is)


                • #9
                  Chris don't forget about my club.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Flymanj3 View Post
                    (though I don't know who Mark is)
                    He started and runs Facebook.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dr.Feelgood View Post
                      But some members refuse to use facebook
                      Thats crazy talk, lol


                      • #12


                        • #13
                          we have a facebook group for our club, but none of the retards use it.


                          • #14
                            We're on facebook too. We have a few that don't post on the forum and only on facebook. I'd guess its probably just easier to use an android phone with facebook. Than again whatever works to keep the group together.


                            • #15
                              I think we need to make a facebook page for all the hearse clubs with Mark zuckerbergs dick it their mouths! lol there seems to be quite a few : )

