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OFFICIAL Hearse caravan/photoshoot VOTE!!

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  • OFFICIAL Hearse caravan/photoshoot VOTE!!

    Hey everybody. We have some tentative dates lined up for the Hearse caravan/photoshoot... which from hence forth will be called "Hearse Day NOLA"

    Hearse Day NOLA will take place on a Sunday from 10am-2pm. We will cruise around to a few cemeteries and take photos, and if we have time we'll hit a few other cool photo backdrops... maybe the lakefront, city park, stuff like that. I'll be setting up a cruise route soon. We will also stop for lunch somwhere along the way (TBD).

    What I need everyone to do is look these dates over and post up which one works best for you. Also, if there are any dates you definitely cannot do, please post that up too. Also, if you have any requests for stops or eats, post those up as well.

    The dates are:

    Sunday, August 1
    Sunday, August 8
    Sunday, August 29
    Sunday, September 5

    I hope all the NOLA hearses can cruise with us!!!

  • #2
    I shoud be cool with any of them unless something big at work pops up.


    • #3
      On Any Sunday

      Any and/or all of these dates are fine with me.
      Working on a couple of models / goth hotties if anyone doesn't mind a cutie on their car.
      We should have no problems getting into the Greenwood and Cypress Grove cemeteries at the end of Canal. Lake Lawn may not be happy with us cruising and taking pix.
      City Park would be great for group shots. The cemeteries will be difficult for group shots but we will try.
      Master J
      Vodou 1


      • #4
        cool. yeah greenwood and cypress grove are good ones. my grandma is buried at lakelawn and we have taken pics there before (it was just our hearse tho) but if they give us any trouble i'll just say we are "paying our respects"

        i'm hoping to maybe make a trip by some cemeteries to kinda scout some good shoot locations because so far Scott and i have only taken pics at Lakelawn and Greenwood.

        i'm so excited!!


        • #5
          Those are the 3 that you can drive into that are 'safe' enough.
          We'll just have to use a side entrance , it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.
          But scantily dressed girls crawling on a bunch of hearses will draw a little attention.
          My car does not exactly blend in either.
          We'll just go for it, then move on to the next one. That's all.


          • #6
            Is it just me or has this site risen from the dead? Maybe the new blood? I see You'r excited, but not drooling yet. That will come, lol.


            • #7
              Can't wait to see the pics.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Vodou1 View Post
                Those are the 3 that you can drive into that are 'safe' enough.
                We'll just have to use a side entrance , it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.
                But scantily dressed girls crawling on a bunch of hearses will draw a little attention.
                My car does not exactly blend in either.
                We'll just go for it, then move on to the next one. That's all.
                agreed! sounds like a good plan


                • #9
                  Sundays are good for me, hearses, cemetaires, convoys, photos, food, friends, girls on/in my hearse. All of that is cool with me. What more could a guy ask for? Sounds like a good time. I'll be there. Creepy Chris.


                  • #10
                    The hours are good as all 3 are open till at least 4pm on Sunday
                    It should be easier as the offices are closed and it should just be the lone maintenance guy.
                    Let's Rock & Roll!
                    Master J
                    Vodou 1


                    • #11
                      August 1st is out for me... I gotta pick my mother in law up from the airport.... so I'll be needing my hearse for that!! other than that any sunday or monday


                      • #12
                        ok. it looks like we'll set it up for August 8th then. and in case it rains, we can do a rain date of August 29th. let's meet at the lakefront for 10am. i figure that's an easy place to congregate first (and even take a few photos) and then head out to the cemeteries. we could meet in the lot across from Landry's (old Joe's Crab Shack).

                        Ray, you would just need to exit at I-10 West End and head North on that road all the way until it runs into Lake Pontchartrain.

                        i also had an idea the other night. even tho we'll have hearse girls there for photos, i think it would be hella cool to get a group shot of the cars with their drivers. we could line up all the hearses and then all stand next to our cars... and it would be even cooler if everyone looked like a "coachman" in a long black coat and hat. kinda like Ray has. we don't have to do that... not everyone might have those clothing items (and it is hot!) but it was a thought. if you have those items and you wanna bring 'em, i just figured it would make a cool pic.

                        i'll put a post up on NOLAhearse with the details. bring friends... bring cameras... bring props... we are gonna raise some hell and have some fun!

                        see below for directions and more info! gonna eat at R&O's... yum!
                        Last edited by SunsetHawkSelena; 08-02-2010, 10:58 AM.


                        • #13
                          Sounds good. I met with a few of the hearse girls, and They are allergic to white, silver, and black cars, go figure,. I have 2 hats, and 3 long coats, but not 1 size fits all, lol.


                          • #14
                            Crap, I only have 1 week to paint my hearse a different color !!! : )


                            • #15

