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Is it common...

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  • Is it common...

    ...that the torque converter won't seat all the way in?

    I get the first drop, which I assume is the notches on the main outer shaft, then I hear it drop into the stator sleeve but the pump shaft (with the fine pitch teeth) doesn't seen to want to drop in at all. Trans is still under the car (I don't want to take the exhaust off), but I can't seem to get it no matter how much I spin and shove and cuss.

    Why do I think it's not seated?

    The converter feels wobbly in there and not a firm hold like you'd expect, plus there is exactly 1" from the face of the bellhousing to the mounting pad of the converter, but I believe it should be 1 3/16".

    Any guidance on this one would be mighty helpful.


  • #2

    Back out of the car (and didn't have to take out the exhaust to do it).

    Put the converter on the transmission, spin it *clunk*, spin some more *clunk* and still wobbly as hell. Measured everything I can think to measure but damned if I can figure out what the fuck is wrong! This new converter is identical in measurement to the stock converter in every way, so I have no idea.

    ANY suggestions are appreciated.


    • #3
      I just realized how this pic looks. 3 welders, a plasma cutter, a hammer and only one wrench.

      I promise it's not like that


      • #4
        Wow, just in the past few years I think I've pulled 4 transmissions of my own and can't remember how wobbly they were. Never really paid attention to it. My tranny guy always reminds me on how critical spacing on the converter to flywheel is. Meaning once it's bolted in the converter can only be pulled so far towards the flywheel before it's close to jumping off the pump shaft. Since I can't remember crap anymore I think he says no more than 1/8. I've had to use spacers from converter to flywheel to make sure it was set right.


        • #5
          I think we figured it out last night.

          Flipped the trans upside down, pulled the pan, pulled the pump, put the converter on the input shaft to make sure the splines were correct and it seated all the way (it did). So we're sitting there, confounded by this strange mystery and one of my shop neighbors comes over, looks at the new converter and the stock converter and says 'the new one is a 1/4 longer than the old one'. Bust out the tape, sure as shit, 1/4" (he's really good at this apparently).

          If you've known me for longer than 30 seconds, you'd know that I'm immensely impatient for anything over a few minutes of inconvenience, so instead of going to summit I busted out the chop saw. Lobbed 1/4" off that motherfucker, hit it with the grinder to level it out, made new pump tabs, spent 30 minutes with my files deburring and chamfering the edges, popped it on and BOOM - pornstar depth. Got the trans back in the car and for the first time in probably 12 years, every bolt is back in where it needs to be (admittedly I'd leave one out here and there when putting the trans back in, so now we have all of them in), fired her up and took her down the street. Shifted through at least 2 gears in the short drive.

          Of course, this being Morticia and all, we didn't make it 1/4 of a mile before an electrical problem stopped the car on the side of the road, leaving us only headlights and blinkers. I begged for a minute and she suddenly just gave me power again and fired right up. Made it about 200 feet and threw a belt. Decided that was enough for one night and brought her back to the shop under her own power. I'll head up there later in the week, swap belts, hunt down that electrical problem and take her for a longer test drive. We need to crest the 1 mile mark before I can say that anything is better.


          • #6

            Say what you want, but she drove out of the shop she was towed into...



            • #7
              Good job. That kinda shit drives you crazy.


              • #8
                Originally posted by pyro View Post
                Good job. That kinda shit drives you crazy.
                There was definitely some pucker factor in effect when I put a saw to a $350 torque converter, but my patience had run completely out.


                • #9
                  Hiya, Well I hope I'm not stepping on toes but I have a few questions for the seasoned hearse owners! I just purchased a 1996 Cadillac S&S and I have a few questions! Is it common to have the vinyl roof that has little waves kind of a 3D effect? Also, anyone have problems with their heater fan not blowing hot air? Thank you and you all have a great celebration of the Solstice and Yule and Christmas etc!


                  • #10
                    That question is probably worth a post that isn't about my torque converter.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gothgirl View Post
                      I just purchased a 1996 Cadillac S&S and I have a few questions! Is it common to have the vinyl roof that has little waves kind of a 3D effect!
                      Continuing threadjack... That top is an S&S tradition going back to '60s (at least).


                      • #12
                        Awesome thank you I just wanted some history that I was having problems finding! Thank you! Know anything about the heater system and why we are having problems getting it to blow hot air?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
                          That question is probably worth a post that isn't about my torque converter.
                          Nuff Said...


                          • #14
                            Are you concerned that the new cuts weakened the snout of the converter?


                            • #15
                              Just to keep us back on track lol

