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Stupid Questions, Stupid Answers

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  • Stupid Questions, Stupid Answers

    I've decided to make a little game on here. the rules are simple. It goes like this: I'll start with asking a random question. Then what you do is you'll answer the question, and then can ask your own question. Then someone else will answer your question then ask their own! And so on and so on... Also, you can answer the questions with ANYTHING you want, and you can ask anything you want as well. Be creative! Lets see how far we can make this go!
    Ok, here's my first question!

    How come I don't have a Pope Mobile of my very own?

  • #2
    Because some socks are blue!

    How many pancakes does it take to cover the roof of a dog house?


    • #3
      Originally posted by kaptinkaos View Post
      How many pancakes does it take to cover the roof of a dog house?

      1 one big one

      what is it with white people and putting the feet on the dash in a car?


      • #4
        Originally posted by northgahearse View Post
        1 one big one

        what is it with white people and putting the feet on the dash in a car?
        Because the glovebox is full.

        Why are kids always after me lucky charms?


        • #5
          Because I put a hex on you!

          Why are butterflies called "butterflies"?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Vampirate_Maiden View Post
            Because I put a hex on you!

            Why are butterflies called "butterflies"?

            Because Margarineflies sound funny

            Why am I soo damn sexxy?


            • #7
              Because some people live in thier own dreams.

              What is the speed of Dark?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Riff Raff View Post
                Because some people live in thier own dreams.

                What is the speed of Dark?
                Zero. Darkness is the road on which light travels.

                If the Universe is everything and it is expanding, what is it expanding into?


                • #9
                  Your head. That's why you're getting headaches.

                  If you're car is travelling at the speed of light and you turn on your lights, can you see them?


                  • #10
                    You bet, in your rear view mirrors.

                    Where is that smell coming from?


                    • #11
                      Washington D.C.

                      If friction causes heat---How long would you have to F#*k a bucket of water to make it boil?


                      • #12
                        37.43 lifetimes.

                        Why isn't a hand greeting from a midget called a microwave?


                        • #13
                          would it be cheaper to pay for gas - or pay for a team of midgets to pull your coach?


                          • #14

                            Do you know how hard it is to find bridels and bits for a team of 44 midgets?


                            • #15
                              would it be cheaper to pay for gas - or pay for a team of midgets to pull your coach?
                              You wouldn't be able to see them over your hood and end up running them over.

                              If you wife is your better half, does that make your mistress your better hole?

