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well kids, it's that time again

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  • #31

    Tell ya what, you know everything:

    Prrecciate the flattery, but my husband is the only one I've ever met who knows everything. I know mechanical things, particularly electrical, and engines of the 60s-70s-80s era, because those are the ones which I have spent the most time working on, both professionally and as a hobby. My first AS degree was also in a mechanical subject, although it deals more with aviation.

    When you made the statement that there was an engine that would "run on anything", I assumed that you might know something about that which you spoke, which was, as usual, a mistake on my part. I wasn't offering to research it for you, but it appears that AM/General went with the 6.2 litre diesel engine in the 1985 models, or that this is a popular upgrade for the 1500 or so of them which have been rescued for civilian use. While it will run on anything from oil filter sludge to kerosene, this engine is not capable of burning gasoline. It will explode. If you want to tell me how it might have been modified to do so, I'm still interested, but I believe that it was a moot point, because it is becoming painfully obvious that you didn't know what you were talking about in the first place.

    Abrams tanks have a dual turbine powerplant(one for each side of the tank) that burns anything. You eluded to turbines as still not being successful. They have been for some time.
    I happen to be very fond of turbines, particularly the PT6, the Rolls-Royce RDA turboprops, and the regenerator-equipped models which were designed for automotive use. A powerplant, however, must match its application. The Abrams tank is an engineering marvel, but as it is in the weight class of a tank, tenfold that of a "grunt wagon", using turbines is not unreasonable. It is going to guzzle fuel no matter how you power it. There are other considerations as well, such as that the engine(s) of a tank must be protected from damage. Turbines require no external cooling mechanism, so they can be placed in any armored compartment.

    OK, are you all settled or are you having dope shakes right now?
    While I'm fairly certain that giving out one's own PHI is not a HIPAA violation, I think that I'll just respond with thanks for what is obviously genuine concern for my health.

    Congratualations! You win the Most Ignorant Dope Fiend Award! Do us all a favor, drop a couple more roxies, oxies or vicodin and just finish it already. The country I served, my father served and my great grandfather served, is a better place because of our service to ensure freedom, even for the "niggers," you racist drugged out cunt.
    Please allow me to reciprocate with my congratulations on your eloquence. Although I appreciate their contribution, I do wish that your father and/or great grandfather could have sacrificed just a tad more.

    People like you drag us back into the stone age.
    Ah, the stone age...such a simple time...long before the age of the Chevy 350 diesel HUMVEE, which, perhaps, we could refer to as the "Stodd Age". Thanks to the contributions of great fighting men like you, and your father, and his father, and his father's father's father, someday,
    adolescent history students will struggle to remember which came first...the Stodd Age, or Piltdown Man?

    I honestly didn't think people as ignorant as you even knew how to use a computer, let alone engage the rest of the world thru one.
    Actually, the Kelly Girl people agreed with you, right after I finished my bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the U of A. They told me that I had no computer skills. That's what happens when they teach you Diffy Q's, Von Nueman cycles and Turing machines but never how to type without looking at the keys.

    Although you are probably unable to comprehend how ironic your statement was, I was one of the people who made it possible for Joe 6-pack to download his porn. Remember Lynx? That was what we had before there were graphical web browsers. There was no "Internet" back then. The internet was being used for scientific work and people in the computer industry. Remember gopher servers? Ever looked for a file with archie, or used finger to find a user?

    Since you mentioned medication, I'll leave you with the following comforting thought. The next time you go to the hospital, or even to the doctor to have lab tests done, chances are that I developed a part of the system that is being used on you...maybe PIM to view your films, lab to process that pee and blood they took from you...anything that hooks up to the HIS, I've touched the code. Before I became disabled, I was a Systems Engineer for a very popular medical company.

    I'm just toying with your stupid ass, Stodd. If I were really a "racist", I could have set up the system to look up a patient's race and have it deliberately screw up the results and medications of all black people, causing the same pain, misdiagnosis, death, or even double-billing that goes on now when the operators who were pushing a broom the week before make mistakes. There aren't three people in the whole company who can read uncommented MUMPS or Caché code, and two of them have probably quit by now.

    Don't ever change, Stodd.



    • #32
      Originally posted by Morella View Post
      Prrecciate the flattery, but my husband is the only one I've ever met who knows everything. I know mechanical things, particularly electrical, and engines of the 60s-70s-80s era, because those are the ones which I have spent the most time working on, both professionally and as a hobby. My first AS degree was also in a mechanical subject, although it deals more with aviation.
      Wow, you have degrees in do I, shall we compare?

      When you made the statement that there was an engine that would "run on anything", I assumed that you might know something about that which you spoke, which was, as usual, a mistake on my part.
      Actually I think I said:
      They could run on anything flamable.
      Which is true, unless the AM/General engineers in our motor pool were lying. Google that and tell me if they were lying - or do all of your degrees automatically disprove things that you weren't there for or have first hand knowledge of?
      I wasn't offering to research it for you, but it appears that AM/General went with the 6.2 litre diesel engine in the 1985 models, or that this is a popular upgrade for the 1500 or so of them which have been rescued for civilian use. While it will run on anything from oil filter sludge to kerosene, this engine is not capable of burning gasoline.
      See above. Wait, nevermind, your google skills trump everything.
      If you want to tell me how it might have been modified to do so, I'm still interested, but I believe that it was a moot point, because it is becoming painfully obvious that you didn't know what you were talking about in the first place.
      Yep, those degrees are working out great for you.
      I happen to be very fond of turbines, particularly the PT6, the Rolls-Royce RDA turboprops, and the regenerator-equipped models which were designed for automotive use. A powerplant, however, must match its application. The Abrams tank is an engineering marvel, but as it is in the weight class of a tank, tenfold that of a "grunt wagon", using turbines is not unreasonable. It is going to guzzle fuel no matter how you power it. There are other considerations as well, such as that the engine(s) of a tank must be protected from damage. Turbines require no external cooling mechanism, so they can be placed in any armored compartment.
      300 miles to a tankfull with realworld speeds up to 45 and 50 mph(it can go faster but with heavy consequence to maintenance). No other land vehicle, the Marine Corps uses or has used can match this claim.
      While I'm fairly certain that giving out one's own PHI is not a HIPAA violation, I think that I'll just respond with thanks for what is obviously genuine concern for my health.
      Vicodin is so great, huh?
      Please allow me to reciprocate with my congratulations on your eloquence. Although I appreciate their contribution, I do wish that your father and/or great grandfather could have sacrificed just a tad more.
      You have no idea of the country you just crossed into. Insult me all you want, using one of those great men to do so is pathetic. I'm not even going to elaborate as to why - you do not deserve to hear how much they gave this country, just so you could sit on your drugged out fat ass on the Lazy Boy.
      Ah, the stone age...such a simple time...long before the age of the Chevy 350 diesel HUMVEE, which, perhaps, we could refer to as the "Stodd Age". Thanks to the contributions of great fighting men like you, and your father, and his father, and his father's father's father, someday,
      adolescent history students will struggle to remember which came first...the Stodd Age, or Piltdown Man?
      Wow, what a great attempt at sarcasm! Even for a mental cripple like yourself, that was a good attempt, however, the key word is "attempt." You either acheive or attempt. See, your whole little paragraph, might have been effective had you been exposed to these vehicles back in the 80's, but you weren't. Your only "real" proof is what you googled, so it's sorta "I read it on teh internets, so it's true." kind of deal. Sorry pill popper, no point made or insult landed.
      Actually, the Kelly Girl people agreed with you, right after I finished my bachelor's degree in Computer Science at the U of A.
      I thought you went to ITT Tech?!
      They told me that I had no computer skills. That's what happens when they teach you Diffy Q's, Von Nueman cycles and Turing machines but never how to type without looking at the keys.
      Gosh, you are so smart. I knew I should have gone to Arizona instead of Berkeley. To think, I could have gone to Cowboys every night of the week too. Fuck!
      Although you are probably unable to comprehend how ironic your statement was, I was one of the people who made it possible for Joe 6-pack to download his porn. Remember Lynx? That was what we had before there were graphical web browsers. There was no "Internet" back then. The internet was being used for scientific work and people in the computer industry. Remember gopher servers? Ever looked for a file with archie, or used finger to find a user?
      So you worked real close with Al Gore, right? After he invented the internet, you made it accessable?

      Um super skills, the comment was an insult used to compare your level of human knowledge as a bechmark of stupidity.

      Since you mentioned medication, I'll leave you with the following comforting thought. The next time you go to the hospital, or even to the doctor to have lab tests done, chances are that I developed a part of the system that is being used on you...maybe PIM to view your films, lab to process that pee and blood they took from you...anything that hooks up to the HIS, I've touched the code.
      So wait, you helped Al Gore with the internet and then you created medical tech science?! Jesus Christ, why is hubby still driving a truck? Oh wait, I get it. He does it for fun, huh? Instead of lounging around the Lazy Boy mansion all day, he drives a semi through nigger infested ghettos because it makes him feel alive, huh?
      Before I became disabled, I was a Systems Engineer for a very popular medical company.
      I'm going to leave this all by itself.
      I'm just toying with your stupid ass, Stodd. If I were really a "racist", I could have set up the system to look up a patient's race and have it deliberately screw up the results and medications of all black people, causing the same pain, misdiagnosis, death, or even double-billing that goes on now when the operators who were pushing a broom the week before make mistakes. There aren't three people in the whole company who can read uncommented MUMPS or Caché code, and two of them have probably quit by now.
      Wait, I thought you were disabled, right? How can you do all that stuff? Shit, my bad. I forgot, you have a racists lair in the basement of the Lazy Boy Mansion...
      Don't ever change, Stodd.
      I will always be me


      • #33
        Stodd, while I enjoy the hell out of these arguments, I'm going to have to give it a break for a while. If you need to feel like you've "won", that's fine with me. Nobody ever wins an argument, a fight, or, these days, even a war.

        The military shit really seems to get to you. My grandfather was a musician, a band teacher who could pick up any instrument and play circles around its owner, and he never could understand why he was taking shrapnel and freezing his feet off during the Battle of the Bulge while Benny Goodman and Louis Armstrong were on the stage. He would have lost his feet if he hadn't taken the shrapnel and been pulled out. My grandmother keeps his Purple Heart in a frame with his picture. I went to his funeral, and aside from the M1 jamming during his salute, it was beautiful. My husband is ex-military, trained at Ft. Leonad Wood and served in Germany, and I tried to join the Navy twice, but was rejected for medical reasons.

        That grandfather is my mother's side of the family. My father is a sack of shit, although considered a "scientific genius". He was vice-president of R&D for Duracell until he shot his mouth off. If you want to google on him, his name is H. Frank Gibbard Jr., not to be confused with Sr. or III. He may be a scientific genius, but I have only seen him once in 20 years, and my husband and daughter have never met him.

        Yes, you are correct in that my husband drives a truck by choice. We own a Volvo 670 tractor, as well as a PA28-160 aircraft, and we are attempting to achieve the great American dream of starting a business, if the liberals don't tax us out of existence. Tony is the only person I have ever met who knows every transistor inside of a VAX, and can actually alter the VMS kernel while the system is running. He got tired of working for companies whose executives made decisions based on total ignorance, and the problems that offshoring have caused. I don't just sit on my ass...I do all of the paperwork for a corporation, and I run the aviation side of the business. You try dealing with the FAA sometime. I even tried doing maintenance on aircraft, and, as with working for the medical company, found that I am no longer physically able to do it, and that I was affecting other peoples' safety by attempting to. What makes you a winner, though, is to accept your limitations and still try to make as much of yourself as you can despite them. I have to rent out an aircraft that I bought in pieces, repaired, reassembled and made the first test flight in, but can no longer fly because I lost my medical. Guess how that feels? Still, I'm going to sit in the right seat of it to teach a new renter the particulars of it, and to save him from cracking it up if he starts to fuck up a landing, and then hand him the keys and go home.

        The reason that I have to stop the arguments, regardless of how much I enjoy them, besides the fact that I have a lot of work to do now, is that many people don't realize that they are nothing personal, and will drop off of the board rather than hang out in a bloody arena. That isn't fair to people I care about, like Chris, David and Denise, Alex, Zach, and anyone else whom I apologize for leaving out, who have done so much work in putting it all together. I know these things because I was an administrator back when I was called a Sysop, and a moderator. We had BBS's, Fidonet and echomail, not message boards, and an Internet. A 2400 baud modem and a 20-gig hard drive were once my dream.

        I may not like you, Stodd, but as I said, it has never been anything personal. There just hasn't been much work for me to do here for the last week or so. Unfortunately, there is now a buttload, so fare thee well.



        • #34
          Jesus Christ, on second thought, don't google on him. (I couldn't resist). There's shit in there from before I was born. The IPO of PLUG Power was cute, though. I got a boat, a truck, and our airplane out of it. The other Frank Gibbard, secretary of the 10th Federal Judicial Circuit, is my older brother.

          What's embarassing as hell are all of these. I can never get rid of them because they're on thousands of copies of a list, but my dad's quote was so fucking right-on politically that I couldn't resist using it in my email.

          UPDATE: tb_shoot ack timeout

          From: McCracken, Denise (
          Date: 12/31/03

          Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 10:15:13 -0700To: "Tru64 managers' list (E-mail)"

          Thanks to Bryan LaVelle who suggested that this error is almost always
          hardware related. In fact, it turned out to be. HP Support found that it
          was blowing errors on CPU1.


          "Customer service may be the only way that a company can distinguish
          itself from its competition these days." -H. Frank Gibbard

          Denise McCracken, Systems Software Specialist
          Misys Health Care, Tucson, AZ

          Certified Tru64 v5 Systems Administrator
          Comptia Network+ Certified Professional

          Next message: Graham Allan: "NFS server hangup"We are proud to have Web Hosting and Rack Housing from 9 Net Avenue Deutschland.

