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Old people seem to hate hearses

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  • Old people seem to hate hearses

    Im still new to cruisin the hearse and Ive already had some nice and odd comments. alotta people like it, but seems like the older 70+ crowd really dislikes it, lots of mean looks and this one old man the other day kept yelling at me at every red light we were next to each other, said somthing along the lines of " what the fuck are you driving" bunch of other shit too, then at another light says " what are you a fucking grave robber" then through a fast food drive through the typical from what Ive heard on here the girl at the 1st window asks if its a real casket and then if theres anyone in it... then pull up to the second window to get food and the girl got all flustered gave our drinks and walked away without giving our food.. and came back lookin like what were we still sitting there for, I said you forgot our food.... she got all red. This is gonna be a great summer I can tell. Ive only got to cruise afew times so far but Im lovin it, Sorry if this post was pointless. just thought Id share.

  • #2
    I have had the opposite reaction from old people. I go to a lot of cruise in and car shows, most of the old people are the ones that comment about my hearse. Mostly it's the middle aged woman that are freaked out over a hearse. I usually sit in the back and read at cruise in and car shows. Most people don't see me at first and I get to hear their comments.
    You might as well get use to the same stupid questions, you will hear them a lot.


    • #3
      its cause they feel the cold hand of death on their shoulder already and they can do without the reminders.... maybe... idk


      • #4
        Originally posted by v8nightmare View Post
        its cause they feel the cold hand of death on their shoulder already and they can do without the reminders.... maybe... idk
        Maybe they are already dead and just haven't laid down yet.


        • #5
          Just one more day closer to a dirt nap!


          • #6
            "don't worry, that funny smell from nanna is just her rotting from the inside out".


            • #7
              i live across the street from an old couple and theyre cool about it, but most old timers are like "Boy what in the hell you doin ridin in that thing for"? fuck em


              • #8
                [QUOTE=Dropped84;43623]fast food drive through the typical from what Ive heard on here the girl at the 1st window asks if its a real casket and then if theres anyone in it... QUOTE]

                " ya, but he's not in any hurry" is my typical reply.

                Once a window maid asked if I carry any dead people in there... "only when they screw up my order". She grabs the bag, looks inside, and say's "Yep, all there"


                • #9
                  When I had my 78, I used to stop at a small resturant across from an old folks apartment building on the main street. Every time I stopped and parked the hearse, there was a group of the old folks sitting outside watching all the old cars roll by and they always gave me the worst stares. One day on of the old men made a comment to me about the hearse and I replied "Don't worry... I'm not here for you yet!" After that, they always waved when I drove by.


                  • #10
                    Got a "Nice car" today from a cop.... Was very suprised, thought we was gonna say somthing stupid and harass me.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dropped84 View Post
                      fast food drive through the typical from what Ive heard on here the girl at the 1st window asks if its a real casket and then if theres anyone in it... QUOTE]

                      " ya, but he's not in any hurry" is my typical reply.
                      when i had the casket i bought from lms in the back of my truck i had a women at the gas station ask me "what are you doing with a coffin in the back of your truck?" I told her "Well....My wife did say she wanted to spend more time with me" The lady didn't say another word stopped pumping her gas and left with a quickness.


                      • #12
                        I've had the opposite experience. My mom could hardly wait to drive my car. And she's 75.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by churchtruck View Post
                          I've had the opposite experience. My mom could hardly wait to drive my car. And she's 75.
                          Damn, wish my mom was like that. She liked all my cars Ive done in the past. But I show up one day to drop my daughter off in the hearse and Ive never seen her so pissed... Told me to get that fuckin thing out of her driveway, its embaressing, never to drive it over there again.... its stupid... only people at funeral homes should be driving them.. Hahaha. On a good note I got a couple of thumbs up today and a I fuckin love it and said they love my licence plate "timezup"


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dropped84 View Post
                            Got a "Nice car" today from a cop.... Was very suprised, thought we was gonna say somthing stupid and harass me.

                            never had that ...but one did ask me ''whyd you buy a hearse''....

                            i felt like sayin...''so assholes like you will ask me ..'whyd you buy a hearse'..''

                            but ...i didnt have enough bail money for i just left without
                            saying anything that could incriminate me ....


                            • #15
                              i felt like sayin...''so assholes like you will ask me ..'whyd you buy a hearse'..''
                              I like "It carried stiffs, isn't that reason enough?"

