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Interested in Having Your Car seen at an event?

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  • Interested in Having Your Car seen at an event?

    Hey everyone!
    If you own a hearse I'm talking to you! I am an organizer with Occupy KC (Kansas City) and on Dec. 30th we are having a march, a New Orlean's style Jazz Funeral to morn the death of the social safety net (i.e. Medicare, Medicad, Social Security, Social Security Disability, Food Stamps, Unemployment Insurance etc.) We are interested in having a few hearses to join in the festivities. If anyone is interested please email me at Also, you can get more information at or see our facebook page OccupyKC.

    Thanks and happy holidays!


  • #2


    • #3
      I think we should end most of those programs, people need to start accepting responsibility for their choices in life.
      You occupy people need to occupy a job. There are jobs out there, sure they may not be what you went to school for, and they may not be glamorous but they are out there.


      • #4
        i think they should occupy cuba or north korea - somewhere the state will take care of their every need and all they have to worry about is doing what they're told.


        • #5
          damn hippys


          • #6
            Well, i'm sorry you feel that way. If you do in fact have a job most likely you've paid into these programs. Should you become disabled,not by your choice of course, or are ready to retire you would probably want to collect on that insurance forcibly taken from your checks right? Another analogy is paying for car insurance, but when the time comes to pay because of an accident or if your car was stolen, your insurance company says "Ya know what? We've got a lot of bills here and we anticipate more claims than normal. Sorry, but you're just gonna have to pay for your repairs or to replace your car yourself! Oh, and btw, sorry about your premiums, we're keeping those too." Now, most people know the company could find other ways to deal with the mismanagement of their finances, same for our gov't. Anyway, I'm not here to talk politics. I hope to have at least cleared up some misconception or misunderstanding, if not I hope we can respectfully agree to disagree.

            Take care!


            • #7
              i think the "safety net" is far from dead, but i wish it was. back in the old days, the "safety net" was managed by family, charities, and churches... not the federal government. perhaps if the federal government wasn't in the business of robbing people of their hard-earned cash to pay for "safety nets," then maybe we wouldn't need them as much.


              • #8
                Back in the old days a lot of people died from such 'safety' nets as they were often very discerning to who received benefits. When the Depression happened, they too were mostly overwhelmed and the only entity with the authority and resources to step forward with a social security program and keep a significant portion of the populace from starving was the government. Don't read too much into my comments though as like unions, such things have an appropriate place and time to serve as a benefit to the mass of men but should be destroyed when those places and times are passed or else they become severe detriments to the mass of men. Being the sentimental bunch we are these things carry on fairly easily.

                As a point of reference; I believe the paintbrush treatment the tea party crew gets from their fringe characters, which detracts from a legitimate statement the core is trying to make, is analogous to what the Occupy cats are dealing with.


                • #9
                  Always struck me as strange that as a hearse community of weirdos and nutjobs, just how many social conservatives we have. =)

                  I agree with the Occupy protests, but I don't think that incorporating the demise of social safety nets is part of the general mantra. Safety/Entitlement programs promote bigger government and more government control in the matters of people and increased taxes for individuals. If you want to have a hearse at an event, tell me that there is a protest about the loss of liberty and freedom with things like SOPA, NDAA and the Patriot Act and I'll go buy a few more just to show up with them. I am a free market capitalist at heart and I believe that the greatest disgrace as a country that we have done in recent history (other than the above laws) is declaring corporations as people and giving them rights. How much more outwardly corrupt could you be and still not have people rioting in the streets!?

                  I don't agree with the concept of 'too big to fail' and we should let capitalism determine who survives. I also believe that social programs have their place, but without competition the way they are implemented is inefficient and terrifically bloated. I don't trust our government to work in our best interest, so I don't want them to determine the social safety net for it's citizens or it's health care.


                  • #10
                    Speaking of SOPA I'm now boycotting GoDaddy and moving my domain to another registrar, you may wish to do the same.


                    • #11
                      I was thinking about doing that, haven't decided yet.


                      • #12
                        I agreed with the original message of the occupy movement, no bail outs for wall street, keep Gov. and corporations separate.
                        However the movement quickly morphed into a large scale socialist movement of beggers and losers, and that I can not support.


                        • #13
                          yes while we're killing the "safety net," let's kill the corporate safety net also. if the company can't survive, let a new one take its place. bail outs only serve to reward bad behavior.


                          • #14
                            OK on this note I do not have a collage degree, i did not go to any schooling to do what i do now. I have just worked hard since 15 to get where i am today. as for the car insurance thing...obviously you have had cheap over the counter a owner of 7 cars (currently) and countless others over the years i have not had a single problem...but that may be because i actually took the time do research..again i WORKED to cover my ass. I am not expecting any social security when i retire.. that's why i invest in cars and other things to cover my ass... besides who wants to sit on there ass at 65 and not do anything? ill restore cars till the day i die thank you. but heres the thing i dont like about ocupy...i have met quite a few...they were young and ambitious but most of them were either still in or just out of collage and were mad that they paid or were paying for something could not get...well sorry that happens, in fact my girl went to school for 3 years to be an english teacher....did she get it? hell no...but she makes good money being a store manager. But one thing i will agree is that our government is corrupt and turning into bull shit...i cant stand shit made in china and i cant stand that were losing jobs. but the only way to change that is a mas civil up rising. and ocupy is not going to be able to do that. im sorry to say but i think major civil unrest might be the only way things would change.


                            • #15
                              The Occupy movements are the first steps to that civil uprising. People are unhappy and if things continue they are going to do something about it.

