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  • #16
    lets see what up for it lol


    • #17
      I was excited when I saw the title, I'm in KC! Unfortunately, I don't have an Iphone, an Ipad, and Ipod, or even a laptop, and my inverter isn't big enough to power my desktop. So rather than waste my time getting press coverage as a modern hippie, or giving alternative interest groups a bad rep, or risking some unhappy asshole destroying my car, or having an irritated cop impound it...I'll just continue to vote, write my representatives, search for a new job, and enjoy my first quiet holidays I've had in the past 10 years. If were a zombie walk to raise money for people who needed it or something, THAT might be interesting.


      • #18
        And what hearse do you have?


        • #19
          The one right there in that signature.
          Edit: Misread your post, thought you were messing with me, my bad. Here's the link to my cardomain:
          My casket and trailer aren't on there, the trailer mods are still ongoing. Hoping to get some photos here a couple days after Christmas of them.
          Last edited by creepypt; 12-24-2011, 06:18 PM.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
            The Occupy movements are the first steps to that civil uprising. People are unhappy and if things continue they are going to do something about it.
            Which is why it's so tragic that the media painted it as a bunch of hippies bitching about huge corporations while using products made by big corporations. People are mad at the status quo. They are mad that our elected officials aren't looking after our best interest and they feel powerless against such a mighty foe as our federal government. I've always been super interested in politics and business (big shock, I was a nerdy kid too) and I have always felt powerless against the never ending stream of wrong that we do as a country.

            Being patriotic doesn't mean supporting your government when it's wrong, it's more patriotic to be the one standing up and calling shenanigans.


            • #21
              Yeah, what was that quote again?

              "Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." - Mark Twain

              Also the media is full of shit because they're run by big corporations, much like the government.

              I don't have a problem with people being rich and doing what they want with their money. I do have a problem though when they try to use it to control us and keep us poor.


              • #22
                is it a real hearse or just a pt that you converted?


                • #23
                  I believe it carries pets.

                  I still don't view it as a real one unless it has some rollers and actual bars on the windows, not cheap window decals. Points for trying though.


                  • #24
                    i guess for carying pets is cool, as long as its not trying to be a real hearse. for the money spent on the pt you could get a decent real one


                    • #25
                      but one thing i ment to add is i really cant stand pts lol no pun meant


                      • #26
                        For the money, I got a car with a warranty and gas mileage decent enough to get me to work and back without killing my bank account. I have a car that I can drive in any weather. The landau bars are as real as any. There in the picture is the casket that's going behind it getting some work done. I'm fine with folks who don't like the PT Cruisers, its not unusual. And is it a real hearse? It hasn't carried hundred of dead bodies to the grave, but it can. And if being "converted" disqualifies it as a coach, there are going to be a lot of unhappy hearse owners, since they are all converted. If you want to discuss it though, a new thread might be a better idea.


                        • #27
                          Sorry, looked like a decal to me, points for actually getting real bars too.

                          Still how is that casket going to fit in that tiny ass car?

                          I can drive my hearse in any weather also. If you can't handle the car though maybe you do need that PT.

                          Might as well re-purpose this thread for something better anyway :P


                          • #28
                            well for 16 grand for a new pt plus tax you could have got a nice little compact car that was used with warrenty and also a real hearse and have money left over. putting a casket on a trailer behind a pt with pepboys stuff will not even get it close to a coach. so you cant really say u have a hearse, more like "hearse" so i dont agree with your signature. im not. bagging on ya at all, id say youve made a pt look a little better, but id just say instead of waisting money on something that its not go buy a real cheap one and slowly fix it up....that way youd still have your dailey driver! and a real coach!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
                              Sorry, looked like a decal to me, points for actually getting real bars too.
                              Glad you said something about that. The pictures were of the decals I started with. Going back and looking at the ride page, looks like Cardomain barfed again recently. Bunch of pics missing, pics back that were deleted, and pages out of order. Recent pics are back up, some updated info and such.

                              I do regret not getting a "purpose built" coach when I needed a new car. 60's and 70's cars have a level of cool you can't get on anything new. And take a fantastic 60's or 70s Cadillac, big lights, big grilles, fins, miles of body work, and make it a funeral car. Now you've got cool, creepy, DIFFERENT, maybe a little goth, or emo (around here we call the emo kids baby bats) At that time though, my existing ride was on a bad spiral decline, and I had to put some reality above my wants. A newer hearse cost too much, and wasn't the look I wanted, I prefer classic cars. I was looking for a '75 Caddy, so I could have a last ride as old as I am, or a 69 Pontiac (see my post about the catalina/GTO hearse). Older cars require a level of care, and usually a level or repair that I didn't have time or money for. Search for posts about broken windshields on here...I just replaced a broken windshield for $137 a few weeks ago, and they came out and installed it in the drive. Parts, aside from interior trim, are pretty consistant across about twelve years (seven years then), and readily available from the dealer, the parts stores, and even the junk yards.

                              I still want a coach, and will eventually get one. This year I had some extra money for projects, and I opted to keep working on the vision I had for this car. It doesn’t help that my woman has a car, too, and our roommate has 3, and we are out of space for more vehicles. Since the rally car is in the garage, I’m mostly working on projects I can kick, drag, or squeeze somewhere inside the house where there is heat.

                              As far as a real hearse Miller, here’s a nice discussion: what determines real? Intent or action? If a “real” hearse is used to carry corpses to burial, and a hearse that hasn’t, or “only carries pets” isn’t, then is a bomb a “real” bomb? Or is it just a wannabe until it’s dropped on something and blows up? As an example to what has been mentioned so far, if I go to the coach works over in Kansas, and buy a brand new coach, then it’s not a real coach. It hasn’t carried the dead, and it’s been converted from a new Cadillac or Lincoln or whatever.

                              So, back to my little car. No rollers: I have requests in to several forums looking for rollers to put on the table I’m building. Don’t want to spend a fortune to buy them new, and may skip them anyway, since I’ll probably fix the casket down to the trailer anyway, so someone doesn’t steal it when I’m traveling.
                              Curtains: I have those. Made em myself. Does that count? Probably not, since they didn’t come from a coachworks.
                              Landau bars: Got those too. But they are off of a 65 Pontiac. And only about 18” long, compared to a real hearse’s 30”+. Size matters.
                              Urn: Yup. Kinda. It’s resin, not stone or steel. And it wasn’t sold as an urn. So maybe not.
                              Flowers: Nope, they are plastic.
                              Can it carry a body or casket? Yup. Small or folded up. Actually I can get up to about 6’ in the back, if remove the back seats (purpose built that way), and don’t want leg room in front. Again, only good for a small casket.

                              I’d thought about getting a child’s casket (about 4’) for the back for shows and such. That’s a little farther into creepy than I care for. That’s why I’ve now got the trailer. That, and for vacations, and we like to go auctioning, and as roomy as the Cruiser is, some things just don’t fit.

                              So now I have a casket, and a way to carry it. IMO, that’s just as purpose built as any hearse I’ve seen.

                              Don’t misunderstand my argument as personal or anything. I know a lot of people who don’t like PTs, and run into people ALL the time who don’t like hearses. I digress at the part about having carried bodies. Except for a family pet (and that was coincidental) mine hasn’t carried any dead bodies. So I might be disqualified as having a hearse for that reason.
                              I wonder if those Ecto clones are real? How about the magnum Ectos? Since it was a movie car, can a clone of an Ecto be a real Ecto, since technically speaking the movie car was was a prop?

                              Anyway, back to the family. Happy holidays, and glad to help hijack a thread that served no purpose (again, in my opinion) to begin with!


                              • #30
                                I suppose the answer would be that "normal people don't know any better" for the ectos. However most people will recognize a hearse on sight compared to a PT

                                Also at least you didn't get an actual hearse and hack it up into an ecto, so I guess that's a good thing as well

