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Ghostbuster Hot Wheels

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  • #31
    While other parts of the country have seen 'E' cases - tonight is the first look I've had.

    EGW, EGX, and EFF all have 1 Ecto apiece in them. Also, Larry has found EGS cases with one apiece as well. Good look hunting!


    • #32
      Hotwheels normally retail for a few bucks, so a painted roof rack is not going to be afforded by the retail price..



      • #33
        i guess thats why it sold, huh....

        people told me they liked the color, so i made one. i have a pink one going up today as well.


        • #34
          For those that have not found an Ecto yet (same version), they're thrown back into the mix again and are currently hitting pegs in KMX cases; 1 per 72 as before. As these are late K cases, I believe they will continue into L cases which some parts of the country have already seen. So keep an eye out and happy hunting!


          • #35
            So far we have found 4 ecto's. Need to find some of the target versions.


            • #36
              i havent found any here in utah so lastnight i broke down and bought some off of amazon like 7 or 8 of them lol


              • #37
                I looked at Wallyworld tonight and found nothing...


                • #38
                  Went to Clinton Walmart again. I could not find any. Also, we have no endcaps as pictured. They just hang them all on the rack in the car isle.


                  • #39
                    Figured most would be interested in an update so>>>>>

                    First off, Hotwheels has stated that this is the *only* time this casting will be available in the Mainline. Translation: This will not come out in a different color again. Ever. For a $1. The door is open however, that limited edition models may be based on the Ecto casting in the future.

                    While the secondary market prices are lower now, grab them. Prices will rise once this initial run is over.

                    Sidekick cases are coming out currently. In them are mixed M an N case codes. There is 1 Ecto per Sidekick case of 72, and it can have either M or N designation on the back. Obviously this means there continues to be an Ecto in N - which is the first seen of them, as no N cases are actually out yet. N case means that Ecto will stick around at least another month.

                    With most items, perfection is the goal. HW cars however are more fun finding flaws! Plus they're rarer and slightly more valuable too. There are a few variations to look for that I know of.

                    The first is missing the door sticker entirely. I've not found one yet but I have a some with sticker goofs, like a double stamp. Regular (above) and little black, no face (below):

                    Another is referred to as the 'dark grill' version, of which I've found a few. Difficult to photograph in the package. Below is the dark version (right side up) and the regular version (upside down):

                    In this version the grill is about 20% darker. I'm guessing the plastic used underneath is black. Add a poor (thin) chroming and have a dark version. Not readily noticeable by itself but apparent when placed next to a normal Ecto in real life.

                    Errors can happen in any form, missing parts, mismatched wheels, etc. Like this one not riveted properly:

                    As always - happy hunting!


                    • #40
                      Hot Wheels exclusive SDCC Ecto-1

                      Here is the first more highly detailed Ecto HW has done btw:


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Atti View Post
                        Here is the first more highly detailed Ecto HW has done btw:

                        So when do these ones pictuerd come out


                        • #42
                          SDCC stand for San Diego Comic Con - which was July 22-25. The limited edition detailed Ecto-1 was available to attendees there for $20. Secondary prices were initially 3-4x that amount and have settled (for now) in the $35-40 range.


                          • #43
                            is that a black box item or what? whats the packaging like?


                            • #44

                              Already sold/traded/customized an additional 25. My favorite new casting.


                              • #45
                                Has anyone seen these in person yet? I must have missed hearing about them coming out.

