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funeral flags from your web site

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  • funeral flags from your web site

    Im new to this forum. But I would like to say it a really nice place for info. What I really need is help getting some funeral flags from your website that I paid for back in march of 2012 and i have not gotten them. So if anyone could point me in the right way to get a hold of some one who can help that would be great. I have talked to Zac and he has given me the run around he took my money and didnt get me my flags.
    thanks for your time

  • #2
    Someone needs to fess up and refund or ship the product. Lunchbox, who did you send th epayment to? Is Zac the responible party, or just a middleman.
    If your the responsible person, and your reading this, dont get all butt hurt for being thrown under the bus. Do the right thing.


    • #3
      Thank you for that it is well said. Zac is who i was dealing with when this was a paypal problem. He emailed and said the flags were two months behide because the printer was busy. I said ok ill wait the tow months so now i have tried facbooking zac and the club and i have tried email and i get no response from eather the club or zac I know this is not the place to bitch itis a place to share stories and love for hearse but i just need to get this off my chest.


      • #4
        I didnt know this site had a store? Where is it.


        • #5
          Its not here it is at it is park of the denver hearse assc. They run that web site and have a store for all difrent kinds of things like lights to flags and coffins and there not a bad price. The flags i payed for where 50.00 for two and the magnets but like i said before i have nothing to show just out the money right know but it is a cool website to shop at


          • #6
            I hope Zac isn't the next Atti.

            As far as I can tell he's a stand up guy though, howeve he does tend to get behind on a few projects. I'm still waiting on that hearse owners database.

            Of course, I sitll havne't really started on yet either. I need to quit slackin!


            • #7
              Maybe we need to start paying by COD?


              • #8
                Well i did try him 5 times on face book and the wed site 5 times in theast two months and no response so i understand people get busy and fall behind but the only thing would be a heads up that it is being worked on.


                • #9
                  Your gonna have to be an asshole to him.

                  I ordered flags and they are wicked awesome. I love them. Worth the wait and the hassle. He gave me the run around as well. Told me they were shipped and something happened, but they never were. Plus numerous other excuses. Finally i filled a paypal dispute and he sent them.

                  I would have rather he just said "oh shit man, i fucked up and didnt ship them" weve all done it it happens. Just dont lie Nd jerk me around. Hope you get them. Youll love them when you do.


                  • #10
                    I tyried the paypal thing and that is the only time he got back to me and said they are two months behind bit that was june and no word sence then. Its just bullshit to have bitch about it but i do thank you all for putying up with my ranting


                    • #11
                      You had better file another paypal dispute before the time limit runs out. Probably the only way you will get your money back. This guy sounds like a regular douch bag.


                      • #12
                        I tried but paypal only gives 45 days and after the first dispute and he emailed me i thought it was handeled but i was wrong so time limit was reached so as of right now im out the money


                        • #13
                          I tried but paypal only gives 45 days and after the first dispute and he emailed me i thought it was handeled but i was wrong so time limit was reached so as of right now im out the money


                          • #14
                            I tried to drop him a line on this web fourm under his screen name but i dont haave my hopes up that he will get in touch with me about the matter but i will keep trying untill he says something or i get kicked off the fourm


                            • #15
                              Lunchbox, same thing happened to me. I ordered two sets of the traditional style flags with staffs and bases, plus a dash strobe with cigarette lighter power supply. I sent a personal check directly to Zach's home after getting his permission to do so. Initially I was able to send and receive correspondence between he and I with the same excuses exactly he gave you. Zach did send the strobe after months of effort, then told me his silk screener botched an order of flags and he rejected them so he had to delay completing the order. I got the strobe with a bunch of garbage stickers, pins the kind of stuff A child would appreciate, finally after 4 months. Simply, fodder to make it seem like he had a sincere customer service concern. I finally decided to join the NHAA forum to chase Zach down to where I knew he could be found and outted, if need be, only to acquire two internret stalkers in the process. I am good friends with Hot Rod Dwayne and ask for his intervention in the matter to keep the issues low key in regards to Zach . Zach actually acknowledged Dwaynes emails. Still no resolution. I then mailed Ryan Rics several times for advice about the issues and Ryan told me to not get into a confrontation with Zach on the forum because I would get farther with Zach. Well Ryans advice resulted in no action and just excuses for Zach's behavior. Finally after a year I got the two set of flags with staffs, bases and the traditional flags. I had by this time resigned myself to accept the loss of my cash. Zach sent a set of the non traditional flags to make things right for no charge in the box of garb. I saved all the emails in the event no one believed me. I kept emails and records to prove my experience, I still have all of my documentation for proof. This whole event just happened last year. I had written dozens of times to Zach personally and to the Denver hearse club website with no response. A year later he posted some lame excuse about record keeping, WTF? Zach and Atti absolutely should be on warning lists that are easy to find. It took just short of a year of chasing and getting others involved, until my order was filled. The flags are very nice but he should just be honest and disclose that some orders take one year to process. To add to the aggravation he continued to market merchandise on the Denver hearse site, and featured 50% off on orders of $150.00 dollars or more which I would of been eligible for. That was about the time when he started pandoring to NHAA members for donations to keep his website online. I have been told he has no job The strobe I received was originally a clear lens style, that had the clear lense pulled out and a sheet of purple lexan slid into place very amateurishly refabricated. I have read negative comments on the painted headlamps as well that he sells. My advice, make a big deal out of your loss or just forget about it and move on because it will deprive you of peace of mind. A crime statistic I learned from the police literature. The longer you do a crime the odds of getting away diminish accordingly because there is no such thing as a perfect crime. So the odds of Zach getting busted are always growing better each time he does the crime. The flags are very well done I need to say that much in fairness. Bases and staffs for the flags are just adequate. I wish there were more positive comments to share than negative. Sorry about the truth being told, it is difficult to accept for some. If you need contact information to the Denver non emergency police investigators office let me know. They were very receptive to documenting the activity and offering advice. There is an internet crime complaint center I contacted to submit a report to help out my situation, I also submitted a statement with audio and video evidence to this agency, in regards to two internet stalkers that followed me to the NHAA site, along with the information on Zach. A second matter and primary reason that I have not been more of an active forum member. Suprisingly the Internet Crime Complaint Center acknowledged the evidence and wrote me that the information was passed on to the NCIC. National Criminal Investigations Center and the stalkers are now in the data base after verifying the legitamacy of the proof I diseminated. I verifyed the stalkers were in the national data base to satisfy my curiosity at a local police precinct in Murderapolis (Minneapolis) The precinct had mug shots of both people, within a couple of months, side views and head on behind the counter when I visited. I was so suprised to see the side and profile pics, because to the best of my knowlege I did not think either person had prior criminal records. Matter of factly, the desk Sargeant pulled out the pictures of the persons to show me they did not need any more details about the two. The sargeant told me that he had one of the two recently come into the precinct to report a missing dog, like it was the right place to file a report instead of Animal Control. The creeps are everywhere, just ask about Gus, you don't believe the disturbed people out on the internet. I have Zach's home address if you want it, in the event you live in Colorado and you want to stop in and say Hi to Zach. Don't forget that statistically the majority of victims never report a crime because they are to embarassed to admit they were ripped off.

