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funeral flags from your web site

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  • #16
    Thank you verymuch i do need his add and the number to the cop shop i kmow its omly 50.00 but now it is the princable of the thing i want my flags or my money please im me to help with things


    • #17
      let it be known that i made every effort to intervene on behalf of cuda mike, and i eventually got a response from Zach and his items shipped. my advice was to stay positive and not post a negative accusatory post here except as an absolute last resort.


      • #18
        Thanks i will stay posative it dones pay to get mad anymore about it but it jist sucks


        • #19
          Originally posted by ryan_ricks View Post
          my advice was to stay positive and not post a negative accusatory post here except as an absolute last resort.
          Hypocritical response much?


          • #20
            Any help woukd be nice he still is not getting back to me on here or facebook thanks


            • #21
              Originally posted by Atti View Post
              Hypocritical response much?
              i don't understand how that's hypocritical.


              • #22
                funeral flags from your web site

                I owe Ryan credit for his intervention. He could of just wrote me tough luck buddy it's your problem. He did not. He gave me his most sincere advice like a good friend would of. Last email to Ryan was in October and 6 months later I received a box that I never expected, the balance of my order from Zach. I very much appreciate the selfless act you did on my behalf. I owe you a favor and wish that someday I might repay you my gratitude. Lots of other things you could be doing with your time no doubt but you choose to facilitate support moderating for the NHAA, that is so generous. I would like to wish you much happiness and prosperity. Please continue the good work. There are likely members that very much enjoy thoughts and experiences shared at the NHAA and it is a shame that it is not known how many hours a day or per week that you spend maintaining the forum, it is likely that it would suprise us all. I have met some very nice people in the pro car community that make up for the not so nice. I needed to provide an edit to my post to correct my ommisions. You did alot more for me than I likely realized, and did not wish to misconstue your efforts by just making a blanket statement that you had excuses for Zach's peculiar ways. Thank You Ryan!


                • #23
                  Another day goes by and no word from zac


                  • #24
                    Yes another day and answer from zac


                    • #25
                      message him two or three times per day


                      • #26
                        i try and try and nothing but if anyone wants to help hat would be geat thanks


                        • #27
                          Isn't there anyone on the forum that lives by him? Have them go over to his house and slap him upside the head. "Y U NO SEND ITEM!"


                          • #28
                            I wish there was someone in that town that would be great but who knows where he really lives i just want my flags or my money


                            • #29
                              Dear Lunchy, just spent a considerable amount of time to find this information for you. Only reason, is that doing a simple cash deal for merchandise between two adults, in right mind, should not end up so upside down. What goes around comes around. Do something unselfish for some one else in return, to payback the help I am giving you. Ryan did me a favor helping me out and I just want to help you out in exchange. Ryan told me long ago that Zach is a founding member of the NHAA and likely highly regarded and worshipped. Likely Zachs 16 year old book keepers are low a quart of oil and they can not afford to top them off after the oil wrestling tournament. Possible that the glitch has it's origins in that department of the club. Learn from the experience and keep in mind not to trust anyone, anytime. No reason to do so, as it seems honesty is a comodity non exisisitent in todays society. I am making spelling errors, but I do not give a rip because I am fed up with all the hearse sites and the baggage that goes along with participating on them. Seems to me that at times there primary functions is to serve as lonely hearts clubs and methods of developing self worth related to pictures you post, vehicles you own, etc. I have met many nice people who I have rooted, and solid relationships with outside the sites and if not for the few, the many would be enough to make me un interested to own any classic hand built coach's at all. The sites thrive on drama don't feed the fire. Classic example how not to feed fuel to drama, is how Pyro handled the issues with Atti. Pyro kept it mature and factual. I actually asked Pyro long before I knew of Atti's reputation if it was safe to do business with Atti and he was very supportive of Atti long ago defending the guy as being O.K to do business with. Likely not so any longer. Typical cons are methodical do a few good deals to get confidence generated and then do a couple of rip offs to make some money to stay alive. The goods deals done with people discount the bad deals and the satisfied customers defend the con. If you were a nomad with no job and no home you could wander the country going into junkyards and you could be a God as well. Seriously over at PCS some one actually called Atti a God. You understand blasphemy, you know know wrath as well. As I wrote previously cons are subject to odds. Longer you do a crime the odds stack up against you. Time is not on their sides. Birds of a feather flock together, identify who is up who's bunghole and note to be carefull around the worshippers of these Gods. Be patient, you need something for your coach's and are eager you will get taken advantage of. You really need funeral flags so bad to be able to drive your coach? Fuck no! I added up what 1000 members paying into a typical site yearly adds up to and it is $20,000.00 Get an education and start your own site. Refine mediocrity, and create a place that for folks to feel safe to participate. You find out the local newspaper is in Englewood, Colorado and submit your experience or get coaching from their staff. You know what is said about payback. You feel that way. Maybe you will spare some one else from the hassle you went through. Zachary Helm - <edited by Psychoholic: Don't post people's home addresses> I know only one person in Colorado I know of that might be trust worthy but the person also has constant business affiliations with the cons. Sorry. but like I said know who associates with who. You want references ask who is okay or google the names of people, it seems to be quite effective for the purpose of discovery. I have a few law enforcement connections that do favors for me, so you really need the involvement I will refer you if you deserve it. All the shit and dribble that we have had to read besides mine. Correct it by participating on this site with something redeeming. Keep it coach related that is what these sites were set up for the preservation of the vehicles. Go to "Affordable purple strobes and skull funeral flags" by zach to post your experience and help another newbie
                              Last edited by Psychoholic; 01-05-2013, 07:58 PM. Reason: personal address


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by CUDA MIKE View Post
                                Dear Lunchy, just spent a considerable amount of time to find this information for you.
                                WHY are you in this? This is where someone has way to much retired free time or they just simply like to try to boost a fight from the sidelines.
                                Originally posted by CUDA MIKE View Post
                                Learn from the experience and keep in mind not to trust anyone, anytime. No reason to do so, as it seems honesty is a comodity non exisisitent in todays society.
                                Living life in this manner causes others not to trust you or anything you have to say.
                                Originally posted by CUDA MIKE View Post
                                I have met many nice people who I have rooted, and solid relationships with outside the sites and if not for the few, the many would be enough to make me un interested to own any classic hand built coach's at all.
                                Then why be here? Simply…
                                Originally posted by CUDA MIKE View Post
                                The sites thrive on drama don't feed the fire. Classic example how not to feed fuel to drama, is how Pyro handled the issues with Atti.
                                Practice what you preach. It looks like you strolled into this thread with a big ol’ can of jet fuel. You are spewing off about the same thing that “you yourself” is currently doing.
                                Originally posted by CUDA MIKE View Post
                                Typical cons are methodical do a few good deals to get confidence generated and then do a couple of rip offs to make some money to stay alive. The goods deals done with people discount the bad deals and the satisfied customers defend the con.
                                Just because someone doesn’t answer phone calls immediately or forgets to return phone calls doesn’t make them con’s. It means usually that they do have a day job and or a busy life in general. (kids, wife, church or all of these)
                                Originally posted by CUDA MIKE View Post
                                Be patient, you need something for your coach's and are eager you will get taken advantage of.
                                Partially true, however 95% of the coach owners that I have ever met in 18 years have not been like circling sharks at the mention of me needing a coach specific part.
                                Originally posted by CUDA MIKE View Post
                                I have a few law enforcement connections that do favors for me, so you really need the involvement I will refer you if you deserve it.
                                Threats in this community get you no where. Nor do I care who your friends are. It makes you no one special. Just a big cry baby that lets others fight their battles. I would love for someone to sic a cop buddy on me. They are only mortals like the rest of us but have to abide by state lines.
                                Originally posted by CUDA MIKE View Post
                                Correct it by participating on this site with something redeeming. Keep it coach related that is what these sites were set up for the preservation of the vehicles.
                                Please do. This really hurt my eyes trying to decipher a veeerrryyy long paragraph.

                                I became a member of this site for the people, not preservation. I have the preservation aspect down on my own pretty good. I do own several pro-cars and love to be around others that have this weird love for them. The petty mud slinging, people putting noses where they need not be and the he said she said crap is very annoying. This is why we have a PM feature.

                                Mike, I have spent some time with you on the phone in the past and know pretty well the intentions implied by the post. Most of the members here are really good people at heart and have no ill intent in doing transactions to help another member. As I have told you on couple of occasions, people on this site do have full lives, work, family etc. to contend with and the pro-car thing is when they have the time to help.

                                Please quit poking sticks at people and trying to be a Cojack. It is not really accepted well by many members of this community especially on the NHAA.


