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1977 Cadillac S & S Victoria Hearse For Sale

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  • #16
    It's ALL Good.........

    Thanks 2 'TonyTheSkin' and the other positive threads. I appreciate the encouragement. I was beginning to think that despite the welcome, when you sign up for this club, it was comprised of a bunch a cranky, narrow minded, hate mongers. Funny how every car I have recently sold off in my collection has been OVER $10k to well over $20k (to include a '78 Superior at $10,900). Maybe 'some of the guys' should take a 2nd look at the new Hearse market and realize they just might have a real jewel in the garage and be mired in the past. Their Coaches could be very valuable. The old Car Clubs are just now waking-up to the fact they were custom-made and few exist any more. In fact, in years past- a hearse wasn't even allowed on the show field! Forward thinking Funeral Directors are now collecting these old coaches as Classic Cars, pressing them back into service (when they are "really nice"). Sadly, the PCS is in turmoil at the moment or I would follow your kind suggestion. I've been collecting these long enough to relate to a lot of them being priced at $4000-5000...maybe that's all those cars are worth.
    As far as 'stodd' and his comments..... His photo & bi-line speak volumes- his opinion is virtually worthless. Thanks again...


    • #17
      Originally posted by SuperiorHearse View Post
      As far as 'stodd' and his comments..... His photo & bi-line speak volumes- his opinion is virtually worthless. Thanks again...
      Aw, someone has thin skin...

      So, am I understanding that you want an "atta boy" for asking so much for a 70's coach? Did you seriously think people weren't going to voice their opinions in this open forum? I know kids with Downs Syndrome that understand human logic better than you.

      Man, the pussy factor in today's human existence is amazing. But dude, go on, get the big money for that ultra rare 73 and show the world how much of a gold chainer you are.

      Lastly, I'm glad you fell in love with my avatar. I wouldn't want to misrepresent myself. Being that you feel my avatar is an indicator of some grand personality test, I am glad to know you won't be coming to my house for Thanksgiving, Easter or Christmas. I don't cater to uppity snobs.

      But seriously, if I buy your fairly priced coach, will you throw in an all expenses paid hooker to felate me on my drive home?
      Last edited by STODD; 03-22-2009, 11:06 AM.


      • #18
        I wonder out of all the snappy responses to this guy, why he chose to step up to me.

        I wonder if Superior Hearse is my good friend Kerry, the buying "agent" that can't communicate well enough to tell sellers EXACTLY what he is looking for and cannot even thank folks for making time for him.

        I wonder if it's him...

        I also wonder why he only chose to sign up and try to pawn off a very high priced 70's coach and not participated in any other discussions(none!) in this website.
        Last edited by STODD; 03-22-2009, 11:23 AM.


        • #19
          You have a very nice coach. What got My attention was all the searching to find the perfect coach, which is fine. I and maybe others here are more interested in saving these rust buckets or undesirable coaches as You would put it. I probably have one You would have passed on, but aint the whole idea is too save these old cars from the crushers? Thays what Im trying to do. Good luck


          • #20
            Originally posted by travlinman View Post
            ., but aint the whole idea is too save these old cars from the crushers? Good luck
            To most of us yes. but apparently to some the idea is to buy it and flip it.


            • #21
              Caviar Empty

              Ahhh yes...Stodd Speaks. And are we surprised by the mentality? Or, about his somehow making this all about his body parts? Ha-Ha-Ha- (LOL)- He can't even get the storyline, or the year of my coach correct ( it's a 1977, not a 1973... you Neanderthal). If 'stayndglass' only knew, that within 5 minutes of meeting the Stodd, he brags of 'flipping' coaches for "20 years".... he would save his 'observation' for those that actually care. Unlike this 'character', I didn't go on this site after surveying his "better than most coaches of this year" and bodyslam him. This "$7,000 coach, reduced to $4500 firm" was pretty much (in my opinion) ...a total waste of time to drive 3 hours to look at, and worse, to then have to drive 3 hours back home. Only again, would I do this for a friend! And, then HE expects you to rush and call back when you're still waiting for answers / getting estimates, adding up to report ...what could take THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS to restore. Wasn't my decision.

              WARNING: It's not uncommon for pea-brains selling cars, especially during a recession, to make light of a lengthy list of major repairs...these are the same people only too glad to take your hard-earned money. They think "Caveat Emptor" is something you eat?

              I can see now that there are a few good men (and women) on this Hearse site but, sites like and most of the 'other' Professional Car sites offer a group of HAPPY people, not an angry mob looking for a verbal fist fight....and all just because someone MIGHT have a nicer coach then somebody else does? Somebody forgot to tell them-Come'On Guys! THIS IS AMERICA- Land of Free Enterprise. It's your right to drive a beater, an 'edgy' car or 'trailer-queen' and it's my right , just like the guy in Oregon asking $33,000, or the guy in N.Y. with the recent '55 Limo Style advertised on eBay (@ $45,000 reserve) to ask whatever I please,.... or, to spend $200,000 on a rare hearse if I want ! On the final curtain it either SELLS, you lower your price or it doesn't sell ! What gives anybody the right to dump all over somebody?? Are they Hearse value Experts? Doubtful. So far by my experience, I'm surprised this group could get ANYBODY to join or STAY a member of your KLub when the FIRST THING you do is jump down their back !?! Let's see why would somebody join a club? To find parts, meet nice people that share the same interest, and maybe sell or buy a car. Why bother? Just shut down the site and save the Club's money for a beer party. Sounds good to me....


              • #22
                Hombre, might think about relaxing just a tad there. Sounds like you and John might have a history that is less than favorable and you base your opinion of the entirety of this site and the the hundreds of other people on here on that? Hardly objective.

                Like we've said before, good luck selling your car. Value is assessed by those who have something and those who want it. It is no doubt a clean and very nicely done car and would be a jewel for someone to enjoy - but your attitude coming through the door really put off a lot of people, myself included with the little diatribe about 4-5k 'used up' / trashed /rust-buckets. It's not like we are sensitive, but if you're going to be a dick about peoples cars and what they like fixing up - then expect the same in return. I suspect if you had come with a 'hey, I've got this awesome coach!' instead of 'all of your cars are shit, you need this one instead!' the reception might have been warmer.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
                  I suspect if you had come with a 'hey, I've got this awesome coach!' instead of 'all of your cars are shit, you need this one instead!' the reception might have been warmer.
                  Ding ding. Nail on the head.


                  • #24
                    "Anything" is only worth what the person in front of you is willing to pay. I would however, buy ANY hearse if it came with a creepy, goth hooker.


                    • #25
                      A Few Good Men

                      Psychoholic; Thank you for your response: I appreciate your effort.
                      Maybe right- maybe wrong. Eight negative (or basically negative) posts and 2 positive. Do the Math. I never said that anyone on this site had a 'used up rust bucket'. There was no implication ever made. I simply stated: If you go out in the marketplace today- most of the coaches for sale (LIKE MINE 77-79)that I have flown or driven to buy were overpuffed, rusty, or used up and grossly overpriced. I'm not the one that needs to ratchet it down... just stating the facts. For whatever reason (maybe past experience?) Seems like the ole membership here is taking it personal. I have asked three other hearse collectors to read this diatribe (as you call it) for their take: and ALL said, I did nothing wrong. If you blow good people off your site and keep guys like STODD for 900+ posts- somethings wrong with that picture.


                      • #26
                        Actually Kerry, my comment was about the over priced 73 listed in an other link and that yours was a bargain. Was it sarcastic? Absolutely yes, however, since you think this is so great and all...
                        *EDIT* Actually, I just reread. I was mistaken. I did type 73 twice when referring to Kerry's coach. My bad, sue me.

                        My coach was originally priced at 7G's because I wanted to buy a real sweet 40 Ford for the same price. I didn't sell, so I never got the 40. Months later I dropped the price to what I have in it - not what you think it is or isn't worth. You came by, looked around like a stuck up asshole with a Bentley(you brought up your car in an email, I hadn't thought about it until then) and made small talk while snootily(I know, not a real word) looking over the car. Only ONE feature was not revealed prior to your visit. It wasn't on purpose, but you can tell everyone I misrepresented deceptively if it helps you feel better. You also implied/said once the car was purchased, it was going to a restoration shop near by. Did you ever ask if it was a dream machine worthy of a cross country trip? No. Did you ask how much the car needed to be anything? No. I gave you all the info you asked for and then said it was going to a restoration shop. Your trip, is your fault.

                        Kerry, "Caveat Emptor" means beware of people that cannot communicate what they are after when they come "to buy" your coach. "Buyer Beware" is a stretch with you. I'm sorry but there is no translation of "Buyer is an asshole" into Latin. I even tried the Notre Dame translator with "Rectum Buyer" and all other possibilities. There is no translation for it.

                        I was truly pissed that you didn't even have the courtesy to inform me of Haunti's(I'm assuming) decision, after you said ROLLING OUT OF MY DRIVEWAY that you had internet access at the hotel and would send them the pics that day. Obviously, by your quips at me, you advised of a no purchase. Again, that's fine by me. If they/you didn't want the coach, no skin off my teeth. What would have been nice is a simple thanks for taking time to meet with you and the courtesy to tell me no - on your initiative. It is sad a week after you coming out, I had to initiate the inquiry into their decision and then be bombarded with assumptions/assessments you made as if I had wronged you when you did nothing to let me know what you were really looking for in the coach. You were the asshole and I let you know it. If your gold chain feelings are hurt over that, it sucks to be you.

                        Lastly, if you want to attack my membership here, tread lightly. I have been here awhile, contributed in more ways than just trying to pawn of an overpriced 70's coach(no matter how nice it may be) and personally know more than a dozen or so members. I said personally, not by net, not by email, not by reputation, personally. They are friends and if you assess that because you don't like me, you don't like them, because I called you out on your social flub(privately before now), maybe your sage advice blowing of "good" people is tainted by your own faltering ability to be objective and an adult.

                        If you're here just to sell your coach, everyone has seen your ad and please leave. If you're here to join a community, stop trying to be Jesus and Judas at the same time, contribute and make friends with the people that make this place great. If you still want to trash me, go with gusto, because I'm no floormat. As you know, I will let you have what's on my mind - usually without sugar or lube. You and others have called me an asshole(hence the title) - I call it integrity. If you cannot handle me being honest, than go hang out on AOL.

                        P.S. while you're gathering up your response, glean something from these words of wisdom:
                        I have been here years*. You have been here days. Who do you think the community is going to judge in this exchange?

                        *years here and at the old site.
                        Last edited by STODD; 03-22-2009, 11:43 PM.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by STODD View Post
                          I was truly pissed that you didn't even have the courtesy to inform me of Haunti's(I'm assuming) decision, ...
                          Wasn't me man. You assumed wrong.


                          • #28
                            Well said Stodd


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Haunti View Post
                              Wasn't me man. You assumed wrong.
                              I stand corrected.


                              • #30
                                Sorry, gotta chime in again. Let's keep things honest Kerry.
                                If 'stayndglass' only knew, that within 5 minutes of meeting the Stodd, he brags of 'flipping' coaches for "20 years
                                Actually friend, I said I've been involved with coaches for about twenty years - not flipping them. If it helps you sleep at night saying I "flip" them, knock yourself out. Sleep yourself silly.
                                Last edited by STODD; 03-23-2009, 12:08 AM.

