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1977 Cadillac S & S Victoria Hearse For Sale

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  • #31
    JackHoles & 14 Year Olds

    One of my good friends told me of The Stool's reply so, ( call me juvenile names all you want) I have proudly blocked any further of your insane rantings. His 'avatar' should be a photo of him taking a dump on his rust-ball car. He is a Master(?) of Reverse Phsycology. He wastes my time driving 3 hours (6 hrs. R/T)coming to see a car he completely mis-represents in writing by posting it's condition on this site, with partial 'skillfull' photo's and then wants ME to apologize for his supposidly 'missing a day of work ' ( I was there @9am ONE Hour), when I drove down there totally at his discretion. And then for 'not contacting him sooner' with the bad news. While he claims to be a mechanic SOMEONE overlooked major defects on a car that failed to shift properly ('needs fluid & filter'- Ha-Ha), puffed through a straight pipe (non-existant Y-Pipe), was filthy dirty, lunged when it stopped? ('faulty' brake booster), had a major water leak in the rear fender into the casket / gurney chamber, non-original parts, sported a disassembled partition window, solid rust-filled casket roller cavities, cloudy edged window, oil leaks, way more rust even imaginable, busted rear seat, used tires,..... the list was endless... and all this from a guy who claims he has been selling hearses for over 20 years!!! I tried to be a gentleman, never promised an immediate response, as I already checked out of the hotel, my wife was ill and we had to drive home.
    Bottomline- I wasn't a 'phone-in buyer' and, sadly for him, I obviously knew what I was doing. If you have a problem with people with money or how they dress- go beg on the street corner and take it out on someone else. I have experienced 43 yr.old People before who act, talk and look like 14 yr.olds - they really have no effect on me. I worked hard all my life from $1.35 per hour to achieve a nice car. If you have a problem- boo-hoo. I think calling yourself 'an asshole with integrity' is well earned. I won't dispute that. But, you sir, need to Get A Life & grow-up!


    • #32
      Originally posted by SuperiorHearse View Post
      I have experienced 43 yr.old People before who act, talk and look like 14 yr.olds - they really have no effect on me.
      OK. No effect, huh? Hey Kerry, why are you making such an effort to post numerous responses?

      I worked hard all my life from $1.35 per hour to achieve a nice car. If you have a problem- boo-hoo.
      Drive what you want Mr. Hardworker. I have no problem with it. I do think it's entertaining how you feel the need to address my observation. I work on Bentleys, Rolls among other European imports. You are a stereotypical driver of one. I guess I called it right with the gold chain analogy.
      But, you sir, need to Get A Life & grow-up!
      I wonder who is in more need of a life; the guy "that needs to get a life," or the guy that feels some desire to tell them so?
      As far as growing up, well, I like how I am. Sorry pal, I will not stoop to your maturity level.

      With that said, let's check some facts...
      From my email folder:

      Kerry wrote:

      Hello John; The buyers have given me the green light to come and survey the car and see firsthand the condition (with funds in hand). How's your weekend shaping up Feb13-14-15)? What is the best day Saturday or Sunday. I assume with working two jobs Friday is out. You didn't mention the answer(s) to some of my other questions>
      1. FL free and clear title?
      2. Condition of ALL glass windows?
      3. Front floor tile or carpet?
      4. Any door sag?
      5. is there Much rust in cabinets below gurney or casket table?
      6. Muffler system?

      The plan is to send the car for restoration...probably in Jupiter and then it will come up to us for interior work and then onward to the buyer. They are aware of the rust divulged and are still buyers. Look forward to meeting you. Please get me your address, cell and home phones so, I don't arrive and get lost.Kerry

      My response:
      1. Title is completely free and transferable
      2. All glass is superb and all windows roll down and up
      3. Carpeted in fair shape - some unraveling at top lip under dash area
      4. Only the driver's side rear door has minor(very minor) sag when closing sporadicly
      5. There is rust below the roller panels only(sorry for not getting pics of that)
      6. The front Y pipe needs replacing. I was going to "dual" the system out but was waiting for time and cash for the exhuast shop

      The rust below the roller panels has not softened the floor yet and could be easily restored, in my opinion. I work Friday and Saturday is my wedding aniversary so those days are out. I may be available on Sunday if I do not get any appointments before Friday. Call me Friday around 4 PM and I will know for sure by then. 561-***-**** Please remember if you still make it out here, the price is firm locked at $4500.00. I cannot and will not go lower than that. Keep in touch.
      Talk soon,

      Kerry's response:
      John; So we are on the same page. It is not my mission to drive all that way and grind you into the dirt. I could see the rust issues with my own eyes and realize this is not exactly a perfect car. I currently own three of these and understand: basically- you get what you pay for. The buyers have asked me to find them 'a good one' after missing my 1964 and I found yours on HAMB. I thought your original price was 'optomistic' but, feel like you have done a reality check vs. the recession and the cond. of the car. We should reach successful resolution on my survey. I am trying to have my my resto. shop owner meet me there so, he can pick up the car and start on it right away but...we'll see. I have to make a lot of changes in my plans to make it down there Sundau so, let's not play games.. and let;s lock up the appointment. I have sold many hearses in the last few years- there have NEVER been more vintage cars on the market then there are now- so, it is unlikely we will be cut out. I'm looking forward to meeting you. Kerry
      Last edited by STODD; 03-26-2009, 01:40 AM.


      • #33
        Originally posted by SuperiorHearse View Post
        One of my good friends told me of The Stool's reply so, ( call me juvenile names all you want) I have proudly blocked any further of your insane rantings.

        I have experienced 43 yr.old People before who act, talk and look like 14 yr.olds - they really have no effect on me.

        If you have a problem- boo-hoo. I think calling yourself 'an asshole with integrity' is well earned. I won't dispute that. But, you sir, need to Get A Life & grow-up!
        Please, someone tell me I'm not the only person here who sees how thick the irony is in these statements?


        • #34
          Since Kerry has brought this up:
          He wastes my time driving 3 hours (6 hrs. R/T)coming to see a car he completely mis-represents in writing by posting it's condition on this site, with partial 'skillfull' photo's and then wants ME to apologize for his supposidly 'missing a day of work ' ( I was there @9am ONE Hour), when I drove down there totally at his discretion.
          OK, one by one:
          You chose to drive here. I did not put a gun to your head. I did not say better get up here before I sell it. I didn't say Sunday is the only day you can come.
          You pushed to see the coach - in emails and over the phone when you called BEFORE that friday(didn't I request you call then?).
          I accommodated you.

          I did have issue with your babbling over subjective findings on your part, however, what I really desired was some common courtesy, which you never afforded me. I know I need to grow up and all, but Mr Adult, grown ups say "thank you" and stuff like that. They also don't say they have internet access in their hotel room after they check out, when implying they are going to send some pics out.
          Seriously, do you ever look in the mirror and assess who you are?

          non-original parts
          Holley Carb(OE carb needing rebuild included)
          sported a disassembled partition window
          OE glass, again, included and easily re-installed for those that love glare in their rear view mirror.
          solid rust-filled casket roller cavities
          Yes, it looked terrible but the floor is solid - as in doesn't flex/not soft/repairable(by the way, this is the ONLY rust on any floor surface)
          cloudy edged window
          Please provide photos, or maybe you could tell me which piece of glass was cloudy. I'd be more than happy to get a pic of it on a sunny day for all to see.
          oil leaks
          Valve cover gaskets, front crankshaft seal, transmission pan
          way more rust even imaginable
          Please challenge my imagination
          busted rear seat
          A broken hinge. How was the formica, upholstery and trim on that seat Kerry? It was real nice, huh?
          used tires
          You got me. 50 mile used radials(as in they were on a car for 50 miles before being taken off and put on my coach.
          the list was endless
          Keep going, otherwise the list has ended.
          ...and all this from a guy who claims he has been selling hearses for over 20 years!!!
          Apparently you missed my post about hearses/selling/20 years...

          I am curious Kerry, what were you planning(before you saw my coach) to have done at your restoration shop?
          The plan is to send the car for restoration
          In the restoration shop I used to work at, "restoration" meant restoring a vehicle back to it's original condition. Restoration usually includes mechanical, body and paint work.

          I have proudly blocked any further of your insane rantings.
          That's one of the best Eric Cartman impersonations I have ever read!*

          *By the way, he did the same thing in our email exchange once the discourse turned abrasive.

          I have sold many hearses in the last few years
          Who's the hearse flipper?
          Last edited by STODD; 03-26-2009, 07:23 AM.


          • #35
            What A Waste....

            Some of you guys deserve each other...I've got better things to do. Have a nice life...BYE


            • #36
              Originally posted by SuperiorHearse View Post
              Some of you guys deserve each other.
              Yes, communities are usually formed by people that enjoy each other's company. Too bad you chose to use this site as free ad space and not the great community that it is. And if you want to pawn your discomfort off on me, I will apologise to the community for airing our dirty laundry for all to see, but not for the loss of you as a member. Your contribution here has been nil.

              I've got better things to do.
              If I were you, I'd put looking in a mirror and doing a self-assessment at the top of the list. It does suck when you try to discredit folks and they stand up to you and prove you to be incorrect and disingenuous, huh?

              Have a nice life.
              I will.

              Don't let the door hit ya...


              • #37
                Originally posted by STODD View Post
                Yes, communities are usually formed by people that enjoy each other's company. Too bad you chose to use this site as free ad space and not the great community that it is. And if you want to pawn your discomfort off on me, I will apologise to the community for airing our dirty laundry for all to see, but not for the loss of you as a member. Your contribution here has been nil.

                If I were you, I'd put looking in a mirror and doing a self-assessment at the top of the list. It does suck when you try to discredit folks and they stand up to you and prove you to be incorrect and disingenuous, huh?

                I will.

                Don't let the door hit ya...

                Well said.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by SuperiorHearse View Post
                  Some of you guys deserve each other...I've got better things to do. Have a nice life...BYE
                  Screw you guys, I'm going home.
                  Last edited by Psychoholic; 03-26-2009, 06:57 PM. Reason: take out


                  • #39
                    Mods, the youtube function is not working.


                    • #40
                      You said somewhere that you let other people read your orginal post and they found nothing wrong with it. You edited it. I haven't even read the original post. So of course it's gonna make you look like you did nothing wrong and we're just over sensitive... except you keep coming back and posting personal insults.
                      As for Psychoholic, StaynedGlass and several other people in this post. I know them personaly and really good friends with them. I've even met Stodd and he seemed just as cool and up front as anyone I've met.
                      We're not a bunch of bean counters and pencil pushers makeing 60K / 70K a year. We are real working people. We don't have money to blow on overpriced cars, we have families to feed and other things that require our money. Several of us have had to use our coaches as a daily driver and not as a garage filler so we can have something to brag about. I bought mine as a daily driver. We are not collectors we are a HEARSE CLUB.
                      You did your job. You posted that you had a car for sale. Now instead of sitting here and picking fights, just leave.

                      Besides for $14k we could go to one of the 3 hearse dealerships in Atlanta and get a hell of a car. probably a 2000 something model.
                      $14k for a 1977? Dude take a toke and pass to the left.


                      • #41


                        • #42
                          I was rereading this whole exchange and I found something that gave me a good chuckle.
                          Originally posted by SuperiorHearse View Post
                          I have asked three other hearse collectors to read this diatribe (as you call it) for their take: and ALL said, I did nothing wrong. If you blow good people...
                          Anyone familiar with The Lemon Party pic circulating on the net?

                          For the brave...linkage
                          Last edited by STODD; 02-04-2010, 01:34 PM.


                          • #43
                            I'm neutral in all this, but you are the one coming off as a douche. Tuck your tail and walk away. Nobody fuckin cares any more.
                            A '75 S&S, or maybe a pre '70's in damn good condition, I could almost see that price, but a '77 or even a '78 even with low milage is a bit much.

                            Now go count your beans and play your golf but mostly

                            GO THE FUCK AWAY


                            • #44
                              I've been following this post in silence and even though my thoughts will probably fall on deaf ears I'm going to put my two cents in anyways. I'm pretty new to the whole hearse "world" and openly admit that I have no clue what hearses should go for. But I think 14grand seems a little steep for a late '70's model as well. As for the issues with STODD I'm really not believing he is the type to be a bullshitter from what I've seen with his posts since I've been on here. In my opinion probably one of the most "brutally"honest people I've come in contact with. From the emails that were posted it seems that you (superior) seem to be a tad pushy and a kind of know-it-all. I'm usually all about befriending any and all hearse owners but I'm having doubts if your even a true "hearse owner" with the attitude that I'm seeing and I firmly believe you are truly the first hearse owner I have no desire to befriend. I believe that is all the ranting I have to do on the subject.


                              • #45
                                *edit* nevermind
                                Last edited by STODD; 05-04-2009, 10:34 PM. Reason: I was smoking crack

