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how to replace your windshield with lexan

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  • #31
    Thats quite the rant but theres no shame in taking your own path in life makes you stronger than those who fallow others because you have to make and learn from your own mistakes. Thats my take on it anyway but hell to each their own


    • #32
      Thats quite the rant
      Thanks. I'm famous for my rants. Some people complain about them, which I have never understood, since it is so easy to just scroll past something that you don't want to read.



      • #33
        yup if I dont wana read it Ill just skip it haha


        • #34
          I'd have never believed it if I hadn't seen it. I am curious about how easily this scratches and safety issues, myself. I've got a ding in my windshield that somebody to Safe-lite or some such. It's not likely to spread or break, but it has turned gold. Great idea for a replacement.


          • #35
            it can scratch pretty damn easily, even the margard stuff. i actually put some bad gashes in it trying to get it home from the warehouse. But i don't think anything is going to come through it that wouldn't also easily go through a glass windshield (i.e. like something big and heavy - very large car parts, anvils, etc).

            edit: i have shot a scrap piece of lexan many, many times with high-powered pellet/CO2 guns and the most it does is just make little dents.
            Last edited by Guest; 09-01-2010, 10:33 PM.


            • #36
              edit: i have shot a scrap piece of lexan many, many times with high-powered pellet/CO2 guns and the most it does is just make little dents.
              Umm...for anyone who may be thinking of trying sure to stand at an angle, and think of the piece of scrap as you would a pool table. It is going to bounce off. If you shoot a pellet gun at a piece of Lexan, be sure to make it a bank shot, and be sure that the pocket you're aiming isn't something that you don't intend to put a hole in. The ricochet won't hurt quite as much as getting hit directly with a pellet gun, but it does smart a bit.

              Of course, I am just guessing about all of's not like I've ever been shot directly with a small caliber weapon, or tested Lexan for its resistance to such.



              • #37
                ..............................yahuh suuure sounds like someone needs there bangbang toys taken away GIMMIE!


                • #38
                  Is Lexan legal to use as a windshield?


                  • #39
                    As far as I know yes off-road and show only


                    • #40
                      Is Lexan legal to use as a windshield?
                      You would have to call the DMV in Utah and ask them that, because the law may vary from state to state. My opinion is that anything is legal until you get a ticket for it, and sometimes they write you a ticket just for the hell of it, but if you have a vehicle inspection program in Utah, you might ask the DMV. I seriously doubt that a cop would notice, or care, unless it was scratched up.



                      • #41
                        ya, ythe only people who would give a crap are the inspection stiker people (if your stste does yeatly inspections) and then olnly if thy notice.


                        • #42
                          We have yearly safety and emissions. And my husband is an inspector.


                          • #43
                            then youllhave no problem either way
                            Mass. has them to but no emissions 1995 or older
                            my brother is also an inspector


                            • #44
                              remember when this happened? i'm about to make a new one out of a thicker sheet.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by ryan_ricks View Post
                                remember when this happened? i'm about to make a new one out of a thicker sheet.
                                Yes I remember it well Ryan and was hoping by now you'd found a glass windshield and put it in!

