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  • #46
    Originally posted by creepypt View Post
    And I said I CHOSE not to get a hearse. I could have outright paid for a coach when I got the PT. Probably not the one I wanted. And one I wanted would have been a project car. As it turned out, some old lady about a year after I bought my car pointed out at a Quicktrip that my PT looked like a little hearse.
    That's a surprisingly common statement. I know of a few different people who say that PT's look like hearses. Supposedly [I haven't read the book so I don't know first hand] the "Goth Bible" says PTs look like hearses as well.

    Older estate wagons seem to get these types of comments as well. I had a Olds Custom Cruiser [flat black, no woodgrain or exterior trim on it] that got "is that a hearse?!" responses all the time. Usually from people who don't have memories of those large wagons to know better. I had this one gig at night a couple years ago where these kids [and by kids I mean middle schoolers] thought the car was a hearse, wouldn't allow themselves to hear otherwise, and kept trying to talk me into giving them rides in it. Lol. They probably wouldn't have made the mistake if it still had the woodgrain vinyl [terrible, terrible thing to have to remove btw: what a nightmare!], side trim and roof rack.


    • #47
      Looked at buying a car in college, thought it was a Dodge Colt, but it was probably a Civic wagon. In any case, i always thought it looked like a miniature version of some of those European coaches.


      • #48
        I was reading this recently, and after some quality time with a bottle of scotch i was contemplating the question "what is a REAL hearse?" Good question, even if the rest of the conversation was a touch disrespectful... And after re-visiting the question, and the scotch, I began to solidify my thoughts on it. Here it goes. I think a hearse is a vehicle that was built with the intent of transporting the dead. Seems simple enough, as wikipedia seems to agree..."A hearse is a funerary vehicle used to carry a coffin from a church or funeral home to a cemetery. In the funeral trade, hearses are often called funeral coaches."
        There was mention of egyptian barges carrying bodies, but in my opinion I don't think anything outside the modern era counts, as specialty vehicles didn't really exist... a mule did many jobs, as did a boat. With this in mind, I would consider vehicles like creepyPTs car a tribute car. Not unlike someone taking a standard camaro and building it into a Yenko, or taking a stock olds and building a 442. Its not wrong, its just not the real thing. Anyways, thats my drunken ramblilngs. Anyone else care to share an opinion? I'm interested to hear it.


        • #49
          I think that was a very well put response. I am saddened, however, to think that someone would waste perfectly good scotch to contemplate the issue! I'm hoping that you were drinking it for a good reason, and just happened to find the post....
          Last edited by creepypt; 01-24-2012, 11:17 AM. Reason: Tired of one who just doesn't get it.


          • #50
            i agree bluke...Creepy: i like your pt, infact prob the only one id drive and i like your motivation but just to be honest i dont like your signature sentence at the end of your posts because its really not a hearse and i doubt you get as much dirty looks as i do in my coach....just sayin!


            • #51
              Originally posted by bluke1 View Post
              I was reading this recently, and after some quality time with a bottle of scotch i was contemplating the question "what is a REAL hearse?" Good question, even if the rest of the conversation was a touch disrespectful... And after re-visiting the question, and the scotch, I began to solidify my thoughts on it. Here it goes. I think a hearse is a vehicle that was built with the intent of transporting the dead. Seems simple enough, as wikipedia seems to agree..."A hearse is a funerary vehicle used to carry a coffin from a church or funeral home to a cemetery. In the funeral trade, hearses are often called funeral coaches."
              There was mention of egyptian barges carrying bodies, but in my opinion I don't think anything outside the modern era counts, as specialty vehicles didn't really exist... a mule did many jobs, as did a boat. With this in mind, I would consider vehicles like creepyPTs car a tribute car. Not unlike someone taking a standard camaro and building it into a Yenko, or taking a stock olds and building a 442. Its not wrong, its just not the real thing. Anyways, thats my drunken ramblilngs. Anyone else care to share an opinion? I'm interested to hear it.
              Not sure if you noticed but all your links are non functional. Although it would be pretty sweet if we had a wiki on site, alas we do not.


              • #52
                they weren't my links, i just copy and pasted wiki. they probably work there....


                • #53
                  Originally posted by bluke1 View Post
                  they weren't my links, i just copy and pasted wiki. they probably work there....
                  Yeah, I'm sure they do. The problem is they used symbolic links instead of actual ones and I believe this forum parsed that missing information with its own root domain.

                  There needs to be a script that detects this and alerts the poster that links are incorrect and returning 404 errors.


                  • #54
                    wow. you lost me at "link". I believe you. whatever you said! hahaha

