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I have something I want to share with you

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  • #16
    You have a 1960 hearse? Please tell me you're not trying to make an ecto out of it.....


    • #17
      Think of it like this, when you see a can of soda do you think that the soda formed out of the ground, evolving a can around the black liquid then over the years the can evloved some more then paint grew on it forming a logo? Or do you think someone created it? It seems more logical to think that a creator made it than it evolving over the years.
      That's the same way with God
      Can't you think of anything new? That's not even close to an original's Paley's Argument by design, the "Watchmaker's Argument", using a soda can instead of a pocketwatch. There is nothing logical about it. It is not scientific because the theory follows not from evidence, but from lack of it, and it is not inherently disprovable. There are several other problems with it, but since it is far from an original thought, you can find them all on the Internet. Why don't you come up with something new, your own original thought, and we can debate that?



      • #18
        Don't always agree with you Morella, (i do on this one) but you've always been a fun read!


        • #19
          It's good that you don't always agree with me! I like to see people thinking for themselves.



          • #20
            What makes God different than other gods? Jesus, God came to this earth in human flesh and died and rose for our sins. No other god has suffered like Christ did. He offers a plan of salvation, He is a loving God. (the whole theme of The Bible is love) Look at other religions. Buddha & Muhammad identified themselves as teachers or prophets. They never claimed to be equal to God. Jesus did. That sets Jesus apart, He said God exists and you're looking at him. He talked about his Father in heaven, not from the position of separation, but of a close union, unique to man. Jesus said that anyone who had seen Him had seen the Father, anyone who believed in him, believed in the Father.


            • #21
              Like the bumper sticker on the back of my Hearse says:
              "I prey that God isn't too picky"


              • #22
                Originally posted by sluggo View Post
                What makes God different than other gods......
                Oh, Christ, Now you did it...... "other" Gods ????


                • #23
                  I think most people who own Hearses, have either accepted the inevitability of death, or are Vampires and already have made a deal with the prince of darkness.


                  • #24
                    What makes God different than other gods?
                    So you admit that there are other Gods, now you just need to leave people alone to worship the ones they want.
                    Personally I think Jesus was a weak bitch for behaving the way he did. I would much rather worship a God of war who would NOT have turned the other cheek.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by musikill View Post
                      You have a 1960 hearse? Please tell me you're not trying to make an ecto out of it.....
                      Did you see his profile? yeah I actually looked, and it says he wants to.



                      • #26
                        They never claimed to be equal to God. Jesus did. That sets Jesus apart, He said God exists and you're looking at him.
                        I'm not looking at him. If you are, a little Haldol or Zyprexa might do you some good.



                        • #27
                          Sluggo, none of your posts here sound like anything other than sound bite religious dogma. Some here have made fun of you, others (Morella) have tried sincerely to engage with you, yet you persist in showboating what you know in place of expressing what you feel and believe.

                          If you're looking to find people to save then come out guns blazing, if you're looking to start drama so you can feel like a good Christian, doing your part to carry a burden then go for it!

                          Just be FUCKING HONEST! OR SINCEAR! OR CREATIVE! OR MIX IT UP! Because almost everything you've said so far sounds like something that you could read from the back of a flyer.

                          A powerful way to remedy this is by honest introspection. Some call it a spirit quest, others a bottle of Jack Daniels, the point is you figure shit out for yourself. And NOT let others do it for you.

                          Good luck!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
                            Did you see his profile? yeah I actually looked, and it says he wants to.

                            Saw his profile too, that's why I asked. (cringe)


                            • #29
                              The only reason I witness is bc I don't want people going to hell, that's it. Eternity last forever which means that it never ends. Would you rather burn I'm hell or not burn in hell?You want guns blazing? Fine, did you know that most people will go to hell? The Bible says that the path to heaven is narrow and the path to hell is wide. I'll say it again, I'm just trying to help you all out. I don't want to see you all go to hell, I'm not tryin to give to a new fancy religion and I'm not after your money. God made heaven so awrsome that our human minds could not even come close to thinking how great it is. The same can be said about Hell, Satan ain't some cute little red guy in pajamas and a pitchfork. He wants us to suffer in hell and experimce pain beyond our finite minds, so bad that it could not be described in human words. Let me ask you this, just a simple yes or no. If you had the choice would you rather have a good day or bad day? It sounds kinda stupid but would you want to have a day where everything goes so great you want the next day to be the same. Or, would you rather have a day that's so bad that you be haunted with it forever? You WILL die one day and have to stand before God and be judged. You may think, "I'm gonna live a long life and rule this place with and iron fist!" but what if you don't? Go to a cemetary and look at the dates. Some lived a long long time, others had thier lives cut short, and those who lived a short life probly thought the same thing about living a long time. Jesus paid the price so you don't have to go to hell, but God gave us a free will bc He don't want robots serving Him. Heaven or Hell, the choice is yours.


                              • #30
                                How 'bout this? The reason I belive in God, Christ, and The Holy Spirit is bc God is about love and mercy. He has a plan of salvation that others gods that compare with Gods plan. Christianity is also the most persicuted religion. It makes me wonder why Christian get tortured and killed for thier faith and others don't. I think it's bc People know that God is the way and others arnt. And people kill 'em in a slight hope that they might find another way to live beyond death. I will take Christ bc other gods seem so "hollow" they don't have a fullfilling plan of salvation and help. But isn't there something in you thinks there has to be something bigger in life? This came from my heart. Thanks again for your time

