Originally posted by sluggo
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Oh wow, someone should have told me this thread was here. I'm a minister... of ATHEISM (the www.firstchurchofatheism.com specifically) and I'm here to enlighten you. Let's break this down shall we?
"No other god has suffered like Christ did. He offers a plan of salvation, He is a loving God."
Start at 5:13
"the whole theme of The Bible is love"
The fuck it is, check this out http://www.evilbible.com and it says in Matthew 5:17 that "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." so old testimant still counts.
*Takes a break to go debate Jehovah's witless's at the door*
Also as far as the bible being accurate goes check out http://www.skepticsannotatedbible.com and these videos on the subject.
"Buddha & Muhammad identified themselves as teachers or prophets. They never claimed to be equal to God"
Muhammad claimed Allah to be god and the Qur'an to be the word of god. Buddha claimed all things were god. According to the Jehovah's witnesses I talked to Jesus never claimed to be god either and that "the Father is greater than I." John 14:28 and said that the holy trinity thing was a bunch of bullshit. Keep in mind I don't think they're right either. Not to mention the Jews don't agree with either of you because in their eyes Jesus broke the first and second* of the ten commandments (*second depending on which denomination you are).
I am always up for a good debate, but others here might not be. If you want to witness somewhere I invite you over to www.firstchurchofatheism.com and we can talk more there AS LONG AS you are willing to keep an open mind and admit you don't know all the answers, because even we admit that, but we are not willing to fill those gaps with god unless good solid evidence is shown.