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I have something I want to share with you

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  • #46
    Originally posted by mr x View Post
    He's just stirring up trouble because he's bored. If everyone ignores him he will eventually go away.....
    AGREED!!! In life the best way to deal with these people is to IGNORE them. They THRIVE on the confrontation & arguements. Remember the movie "Heartbreak Ridge"? The platoon was doing their march & one soldier was being punished by the general, he had to run around the platoon the entire time they were marching with his rifle over his head. He got so tired he collapsed. Clint Eastwood whispered something in his ear and he INSTANTLY jumped up & began running again with enthusiasm! The general asked "What did you say to that soldier?" and Clint said "Don't give the prick the satisfaction"
    Enough said, IGNORE this stuff it's a procar forum not biblical debate for bible thumpers. Don't give the prick the satisfaction.


    • #47
      I'm not doing this out of boredom


      • #48
        Originally posted by msc0nduct View Post
        But I forgive him for acting like such a jerk.
        HAHA, congratulations for saying the most christian thing in the thread.

        Originally posted by Sluggo
        I'm not doing this out of boredom
        I didn't think you were. Oh no I totally get that you genuinely care for us as fellow hearse drivers/human beings and you don't want to see us burn for all eternity, and I do thank you for your concern. HOWEVER, there is a time and a place for everything and in this place it's never the time for that.

        I mean you might as well be a Mormon or a Jehovah's Witness going around knocking on people's doors at all unreasonable hours of the morning with that attitude, and you'd get the same response in real life as well. Has that ever happened to you? Didn't it annoy the piss out of you?

        Most people are QUITE WELL AWARE that there is the possibility of a hell and eternal damnation. It is their right not to give a fuck AND to tell you to fuck off if you try to tell them otherwise.

        Look I hope you stick around and become a contributing member to the forum. Hell put a cross in your signature if it means that much to you. However don't be surprised or upset when I respond by putting this in mine.

        I suppose that's what I love most about this forum is we all get our own voices and no one really gets to tell anyone to shut up, except through public ridicule and humiliation. Like when I handed you your ass earlier in the thread (unless you're still thinking up your amazing reply, which you should send to me in a PM since we wouldn't want to bore the rest of the crowd with our amazingly deep debate.) Still if anyone gets too pushy with their beliefs, including me, I'd hope the community would come together in ostracizing the negative agent/antagonist and I'd think less of the forum if it didn't.

        In any case, most people are going to believe what they want to regardless of what you, I, or anyone else says; or even how logical and factual the arguments are. So you might as well stop trying and focus on yourself.

        There is also a nice theory that converting others helps to solidify and validate one's own beliefs. Are yours really that shaky that you need that validation? Just some food for thought.

        Anyway it's late, and I hope I've made some logical well reasoned points. I like the threads that result in deep discussion and thinking. Also I seriously love all you motherfuckers. Possibly because I have some misplaced sense of comradeship just because we all share a similar love of/for hearses, but fuck it you guys rock, yes even you Sluggo, just keep what I said in mind.


        • #49

          What Scary Guy said....


          • #50
            Thanks for the clarification Mustkill, here's mine.

            Originally posted by voltaire
            I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
              Thanks for the clarification Mustkill, here's mine.
              I just threw that up 'cause I was all logic/rational'd out.

              Once in a while it just feels good to screw up your face and make an ass of yourself.

              Awesome quote by the way. Here's one for ya.

              "Show me a young man who is not a liberal, and I'll show you a man with no heart. Show me an old man who is not a conservative, and I'll show you a man with no brain." -W. Churchill.


              • #52
                Thanx msc0nduct!!!!!!!!! can i get an hell ya!


                • #53
                  I have never met a truley intelligent person that needed to tell anyone that they were.


                  • #54
                    What are you thanking me for?


                    • #55
                      I have never met a truley intelligent person that needed to tell anyone that they were.



                      • #56
                        I agree with you Psycholic screw slugo let see those boobies Yeah!!
                        Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
                        I've got a better idea - I think I'm going to go look at boobies.

                        This is a bad place to try and 'witness' dude - seriously. Consider this fair warning because this place will turn into such a filth pit people will long for the wholesome virtuous living of Gomorrah.


                        • #57
                          Chase has something he wants to share with you all too...


                          • #58
                            I dont generally participate in flames, but what a glutton for punishment.


                            • #59
                              He hasn't posted anything in a long time. I wonder if he just goes to different forum boards, starts a flame and leaves. You that is how some people get a kick out of life. How lame is that?


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by msc0nduct View Post
                                He hasn't posted anything in a long time. I wonder if he just goes to different forum boards, starts a flame and leaves. You that is how some people get a kick out of life. How lame is that?
                                This is why he needs to accept the blood of Christ. After all, Christ has been known to cure the lame. I think perhaps the greatest example of the power of Christ can be seen in the story of Tiny Tim. He went from being a sickly child during the Victorian period, to a cultural phenominum in the 1960's. Some claim it was the "Tulip Tiptoe Therapy" pioneered by Dr. Mendleson that was the primary force for his becoming healthy, but one can not discount the part his faith in Christ played in this.

