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  • #76
    That was entertaining!


    • #77
      Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
      It's not our fault you don't pay enough attention. Stop whining and hang around more.
      Yup. it was totally my fault I missed it.... i will work hangin' out more...


      • #78
        You RECIEVE Christ not accept. It's not like Jesus is good enough for you


        • #79
          Originally posted by Mr big View Post
          You RECIEVE Christ not accept. It's not like Jesus is good enough for you
          And you are?


          • #80
            Originally posted by Psychoholic View Post
            And you are?
            ^^^^looking to stir the pot me thinks!^^^^


            • #81
              Oh fuck yes I love this thread.

              Originally posted by Mr big View Post
              You RECIEVE Christ not accept. It's not like Jesus is good enough for you
              First it's RECEIVE, learn to spell.

              Second, fuck you for not reading the entire thread. What you said seems to refer to all of us and there are Christians on the forum. Maybe you're passing judgment on the fact that we're all hearse owners/enthusiasts, but if that's true then A. why would you even join a hearse forum and B. if you're such a Christian why wouldn't you follow your bible which states "Judge not lest ye be judged" from Matthew 7:1 (not that they don't piss all over that in other parts of the bible.)

              Third, you ACCEPT Christ AFTER you "receive" him (or at least the information about him.) This includes people not smart enough to know any better, children who have been indoctrinated from birth, and people bullied into believing with punishment of death or exile from their community receive Christ.

              I hope you come to reason eventually, or maybe even become an active part of the community here. However to be honest I think you're a christard/troll who will never look at this message or visit this site again and I don't know why you even bothered registering because it's not like you're going to change anyone's mind anyway. Those on your side are already on your side and those who aren't will not be swayed by your piss-poor argument. Good day sir.


              • #82
                I wonder how many of us have turned Christian since this thread was buried...

                Probably not very many...


                • #83
                  Mmmmm one of my lest favorite topics manly do to this has been going on for hundreds of years both sides have had countless numbers of great minds fighting it and as Morella has pointed out it’s the same thing that has been said over and over. You are free to believe in whatever makes you happy AND I am free to have a belief that is nothing like yours as long as you don’t push your beliefs on me I have no problem. If you really want to know what I think about religion I'll be happy to let you know.


                  • #84
                    How can you not believe in the power of resurrection. I mean, this thread alone should be proof enough.


                    • #85
                      Originally posted by dodgerider666 View Post
                      Mmmmm one of my lest favorite topics manly do to this has been going on for hundreds of years both sides have had countless numbers of great minds fighting it and as Morella has pointed out it’s the same thing that has been said over and over. You are free to believe in whatever makes you happy AND I am free to have a belief that is nothing like yours as long as you don’t push your beliefs on me I have no problem. If you really want to know what I think about religion I'll be happy to let you know.
                      Here's how I feel about it...when I feel like being Dr. James Robertson...


                      • #86
                        Hey I believe in the power of resurrerection. Every morning I wake up and somehow my dick's risen from the dead.


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by dodgerider666 View Post
                          Mmmmm one of my lest favorite topics manly do to this has been going on for hundreds of years both sides have had countless numbers of great minds fighting it
                          When you say both sides do you mean atheists and everyone else or christianity and everyone else? Just looking for some clarification here.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Beladona_13 View Post
                            It always amazes me how much spirituality has been lost in the name of religion...
                            Religion is for people afraid of going to Hell, spirituality is for people who've already been there. I don't have a religious bone in my body, but there is some kind of creative and binding energy in this world that works for me. It's like radio waves. You would never know they were there unless you were tuned in to hear them. There is a lot of wisdom for life in the Bible. It's too bad that it was all edited and created by people with political and financial agendas. Tripping all over the dogma and bullshit scare tactics makes it hard for people to see that a lot of peace can be found in there. Most important thing I gotta remember is, that whatever "God" is, I'm not him.


                            • #89
                              When you say both sides do you mean atheists and everyone else or christianity and everyone else? Just looking for some clarification here.

                              Oh that would be all religions I just put it into people who think there is a god or gods and those who don’t believe in any god or godie thing.

                              Religion is for people afraid of going to Hell

                              Yup religion is for people afraid of death, afraid of going to hell, those who just can’t cope with thinking there might be anything when you die, and those who cannot find the inner strength to make a stand in their life when it’s not going so well. IMO and that’s what I see and hear every time someone talks about religion also there is the mass GREED that comes with almost all of them yes give money god will be happy only if you give all you have...... I do not believe in any god or god like thing and I don’t think there is any kind of afterlife.>>

                              And just to keep up with the other fun I have to put in some Metalocalypse


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Mohawk Freak View Post
                                There is a lot of wisdom for life in the Bible. It's too bad that it was all edited and created by people with political and financial agendas.
                                I will say I agree with that statement. Well I wouldn't say "a lot of wisdom" but there is some. Just good advice to live by. I must say I do like the golden rule of "treat others as you would wish to be treated" that pretty much all religions have.

                                As far as spirituality goes... I don't believe in a spirit, or ghosts, or any of that bullshit. However I do believe that we will transcend forms only because you can't destroy energy (although when you smash an atom it does tend to get really pissed off.) I find beauty in the universe though. This explains it pretty well I think.

                                Last edited by Scary Guy; 12-03-2010, 01:06 PM.

