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I have something I want to share with you

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  • #31
    Originally posted by sluggo View Post
    What makes God different than other gods? Jesus, God came to this earth in human flesh and died and rose for our sins. No other god has suffered like Christ did. He offers a plan of salvation, He is a loving God. (the whole theme of The Bible is love) Look at other religions. Buddha & Muhammad identified themselves as teachers or prophets. They never claimed to be equal to God. Jesus did. That sets Jesus apart, He said God exists and you're looking at him. He talked about his Father in heaven, not from the position of separation, but of a close union, unique to man. Jesus said that anyone who had seen Him had seen the Father, anyone who believed in him, believed in the Father.

    Oh wow, someone should have told me this thread was here. I'm a minister... of ATHEISM (the specifically) and I'm here to enlighten you. Let's break this down shall we?

    "No other god has suffered like Christ did. He offers a plan of salvation, He is a loving God."

    Start at 5:13

    "the whole theme of The Bible is love"

    The fuck it is, check this out and it says in Matthew 5:17 that "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." so old testimant still counts.

    *Takes a break to go debate Jehovah's witless's at the door*

    Also as far as the bible being accurate goes check out and these videos on the subject.


    "Buddha & Muhammad identified themselves as teachers or prophets. They never claimed to be equal to God"

    Muhammad claimed Allah to be god and the Qur'an to be the word of god. Buddha claimed all things were god. According to the Jehovah's witnesses I talked to Jesus never claimed to be god either and that "the Father is greater than I." John 14:28 and said that the holy trinity thing was a bunch of bullshit. Keep in mind I don't think they're right either. Not to mention the Jews don't agree with either of you because in their eyes Jesus broke the first and second* of the ten commandments (*second depending on which denomination you are).

    I am always up for a good debate, but others here might not be. If you want to witness somewhere I invite you over to and we can talk more there AS LONG AS you are willing to keep an open mind and admit you don't know all the answers, because even we admit that, but we are not willing to fill those gaps with god unless good solid evidence is shown.


    • #32
      "The only reason I witness is bc I don't want people going to hell, that's it. Eternity last forever which means that it never ends. Would you rather burn I'm hell or not burn in hell?"


      "You want guns blazing? Fine, did you know that most people will go to hell?"

      Any god that punishes people who are (for the most part) good simply for not believing in him is an evil fuck. Also this

      "I'm not tryin to give to a new fancy religion and I'm not after your money."

      No, you're trying to give an old one and the people who are running the old one are after our money

      "How 'bout this? The reason I belive in God, Christ, and The Holy Spirit is bc God is about love and mercy. He has a plan of salvation that others gods that compare with Gods plan." and if you don't believe in him he'll torture you for all eternity, sounds pretty merciful to me, not.

      "Christianity is also the most persicuted religion. It makes me wonder why Christian get tortured and killed for thier faith and others don't."

      DUDE, ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? HAVE YOU EVEN HEARD OF THE JEWS?!?!?! Look them up in your bible sometime, they really get the shit end of the stick in that. Speaking of persecution, thanks for the crusades you dicks.

      "But isn't there something in you thinks there has to be something bigger in life?"

      Yes, look up Carl Sagan
      Last edited by Scary Guy; 07-13-2010, 01:07 PM.


      • #33
        Hey Sluggo, good news. Every body who has read you post on NHAA has come to agree with you, and now we're all saved. Hallelujah!! You're work here may be done, but there are other places where your wisdom is desperately needed. There are many Muslims in the world who don't know about the need for the blood of Christ to achieve salvation, and since you believe they are damned unless they accept Christ as their Savior, you need to reach out to them. There are numerous Muslim Websites you can go to, and Alkida seems like a friendly enough place to get started. When you post on their websites, use your real name and make sure to let them know what a really bad person Mohammad was for creating a division between God and mankind. Also don't forget to include a funny picture of Mohammad if possible, to use humor as a way of making your point. What Muslim seeing a picture of the prophet depicted in a ridiculous manner wouldn't just laugh and laugh? Remember, humor can be very persuasive when winning people over to your side. You need to do post there as quickly as possible, before any more of their souls are lost. Remember, every time a muslim dies without believing in Christ, Satan laughs! We don't want Satan to laugh, but we do want the Muslims to laugh over the funny pictures you'll be posting about Mohammed. Make sure when you post on these sites, to include your address, because some of those Muslims whose souls have been saved by your eloquence, will want to thank you personally.
        Last edited by Otto Baron; 07-13-2010, 03:19 PM.


        • #34
          What you have to remember sluggo is you're on a site here with people who are not normal. Just about everybody here has a mentality that is more comfortable existing outside the norm and outside of society.

          Hell, we revel in it. We're hearse owners. We also tend to think for ourselves.

          If you really want to "save" someone, go find a hungry child and feed her, go find a homeless person and give them shelter. It is in your actions, if God wills it, that people will see the path and follow it themselves.

          But as for simply telling us about it? Who does that really help? Us? Or yourself?

          "I fear the man who plots to do me good."
          Last edited by musikill; 07-13-2010, 02:31 PM. Reason: I'm retarded.


          • #35
            others (Morella) have tried sincerely to engage with you
            Every now and then I meet a fundie who has actually studied the bible, and can make an interesting and/or amusing argument. This guy could do more for Christianity if he just shut the fuck up.



            • #36
              Originally posted by Otto Baron View Post
              Hey Sluggo, good news. Every body who has read you post on NHAA has come to agree with you, and now we're all saved. Hallelujah!! You're work here may be done, but there are other places where your wisdom is desperately needed. There are many Muslims in the world who don't know about the need for the blood of Christ to achieve salvation, and since you believe they are damned unless they accept Christ as their Savior, you need to reach out to them. There are numerous Muslim Websites you can go to, and Alkida seems like a friendly enough place to get started. When you post on their websites, use your real name and make sure to let them know what a really bad person Mohammad was for creating a division between God and mankind. Also don't forget to include a funny picture of Mohammad if possible, to use humor as a way of making your point. What Muslim seeing a picture of the prophet depicted in a ridiculous manner wouldn't just laugh and laugh? Remember, humor can be very persuasive when winning people over to your side. You need to do post there as quickly as possible, before any more of their souls are lost. Remember, every time a muslim dies without believing in Christ, Satan laughs! We don't want Satan to laugh, but we do want the Muslims to laugh over the funny pictures you'll be posting about Mohammed. Make sure when you post on these sites, to include your address, because some of those Muslims whose souls have been saved by your eloquence, will want to thank you personally.
              I don't think trying to get him killed is the answer....


              • #37
                As a Christian, I've had to listen to several insulting posts about my faith because Sluggo doesn't know when to shut up!!!! But not just attacks on Christianity, it's led to attacks on people who want to build Ecto Clones. Like Sluggo, I believe the two things needed to achieve salvation is to accept Christ, and to build an ecto clone. Because I haven't painted my 1959 S&S White, placed GB symbols on the door (Some heritics have actually used the filmation Ghostbuster symbol) and put stuff on my roof, I have long dreaded that I may face eternal damnation. Praise be to Bill Murray.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by msc0nduct View Post
                  I don't think trying to get him killed is the answer....
                  Either way it solves our problem


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Scary Guy View Post
                    Either way it solves our problem
                    What problem? He can preach, we can flame.... all in a good days work


                    • #40
                      Yeah, I guess it does liven up the forum some.

                      Also I know I posted it before but just in case you missed it

                      About the ONLY way I'd make an Ecto1 clone is if I put this on it


                      • #41
                        I know the Filmation symbol is taboo, but I'll have to check with the Minister of my Church, which is the the First Ecclesiastical Congregation of Transport Owners (ECTO 1), if the icon you depicted would be acceptable.


                        • #42
                          Ah Otto Baron, I must apologize as you did say you were a Christian. Seeing as how you're not a pushy one, even if I don't agree with your beliefs you're not an asshole. Slug however is and that was mainly directed at him.


                          • #43
                            I am a Christian as well. But I don't push my beliefs off on anyone. I think sluggo made a big mistake coming in blazing like he did, but the more I think about it, the more I think he probably wishes he could take it back and approach this situation in a different manner. Maybe I am totally off base, maybe I am not. But I forgive him for acting like such a jerk.


                            • #44
                              He's just stirring up trouble because he's bored. If everyone ignores him he will eventually go away.....


                              • #45
                                It always amazes me how much spirituality has been lost in the name of religion...

